Osion kuvaus

  • General

    Dear Students,

    Welcome to the course of Electrical Energy Storage Systems

    Kurssin idea

    This is a joint course from School of Engineering and School of Electrical Engineering to study closely the interfaces of electrical production and consumption systems and energy storages. This course is very multidisciplinary and will invite students from different backgrounds jointly applying their knowledge on electricity storage cases. 

    This course is a self-learning module that does not require any contact participation. Note that the different tasks have DL dates and the we have a recommendation timetable for the course. 

    The teaching format on the class is "Active self study" supported by reading materials as well as flash video modules. There are only individual assignments and quizzes. The quizzes do not have time limit but there is no retry. Please, take a look the Course practicalities that you can find below this page.

    The timetable is flexbile, so all the assignment have final deadline the 16th February 2024. However, we have a suggested timetable to follow for reducing an eventual sudden workload:

    Module A - Time period: 09.01.-17.01.

    Module B - Time period: 18.01.-25.01.

    Module C - Time period: 26.01.-02.02.

    Module D - Time period: 03.02-09.02.

    Final Essay - Time period: 10.02.-16.02.

    Feel free to use the anonymous chat to send us your feedback.


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    Welcome to the winter journey,

    Floran and Annukka