LC-1113 - Autonomous Language Learning Path (o,w), Lecture, 12.1.2024-12.4.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 12.04.2024 Etsi kursseja: LC-1113
Osion kuvaus
This course home page contains the following information:
- course info, schedule, forum for students, Zoom link to our meetings
(Photo by George Hiles on Unsplash)
Please note that some materials and sections will still be updated as we proceed with the course.
If you cannot find something or something does not seem to work, please send me an email:
Here you can familiarise yourself with the course requirements, content and learning outcomes.
This schedule contains due dates for both obligatory and optional course tasks/activities. The obligatory tasks have been bolded. Note that this is a tentative schedule, so minor changes may still occur. Please contact Jenni if you have any questions.
This is where all the meetings with the teacher occur.