Osion kuvaus

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      As a student, you have surely attended numerous technical, scientific or academic presentations, and some of those presentations might have truly inspired you, or the speakers captured the audience’s attention immediately and communicated their message clearly throughout. On the other hand, you have probably also listened to talks the purpose of which did not become clear to you, and seen speakers who have not rehearsed or prepared adequately.

      Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to gather your views on essential DOs and DON’Ts of a presentation. 

      Task 1: 

      Each group post a video link to a GOOD presentation example. You will also need to write down WHY you think it is a good example. 

      Task 2: 

      Each group should post at least three tips. Post your tips with the names of your group members at the end of the sentence. Example:

      - Do not say "so" before each slide. (Laura, Max, Anna)

      Since the document is collaborative, you can continue the ideas of the others or simply add a new idea. In the end, we will get a nice compilation of your views on academic presentation skills.

      Your ideas can be founded on your prior experiences, but you can also try to think of tips that would apply particularly at your level and what you would like to see (and not see :)) in presentations as a member of the audience.

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      Write the first full draft of the recommendation report. 

      Before submitting your text, check that all the required elements are included and that you have revised your text according to previous feedback as well as the principles of readability and style that you have learned about during this course.

      CONTENT (total length 500-600 words):
      -  Your name
      -  Title 
      -  Introduction paragraph (150-200 words. Problem-solution)
      -  Body paragraph  (250-350 words.  Extended definition of the recommended solution described in terms of 3-4 defining properties)
      -  Conclusion paragraph (50-100 words)
      -  List of references to sources of the presented information (+ corresponding in-text citations)

      Submit to my courses. 

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      To clarify some confusions, please read this page. 

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      Remember to follow the instructions hereto write your weekly connection journal.