Topic outline

  • Lectures: 

            When: Wednesdays 9:15-11, also Thursdays 7.3., 11.4. and 2.5.; note 3-hour sessions 9:15-12 on 10.4. and 11.4. 
            Where: Otakaari 1, Y309b (Wed), Y308 (Thu)

    Exercise session: 

            When: Thursdays 9:15-11
            WhereOtakaari 1, Y308

    Wed 28.2.        Introduction to course How to write a review (attendance required)

    Thu 29.2.         No exercise

    Wed 6.3.         Critical reviewing, discussion (attendance required)

    Thu 7.3.          Annukka Jyrämä & Enrico Glerean: Research ethics and integrity

    Wed 13.3.       Linda Henriksson: Functional imaging of the human visual system—scenes in the brain (individual learning diary to submit)

    Thu 14.3.        Exercise session related to Linda Henriksson's lecture

    Wed 20.3.       Riikka Möttönen: Using TMS to study speech perception and language learning (individual learning diary to submit)

    Thu 21.3.        Exercise session related to Riikka Möttönen's lecture

    Wed 27.3.       Harri Piitulainen: Challenges in resolving the mysteries of the human sensorimotor system (individual learning diary to submit)

    -- Easter break --

    Thu 4.4.          Exercise session related to Harri Piitulainen's lecture

    Wed 10.4.       Presenting and discussing ideas-to-experiments, part 1  (attendance required)  &  How to write a research plan

    Thu 11.4.        Presenting and discussing ideas-to-experiments, part 2  (attendance required)  &  Good practices for commenting

    -- Exam week --

    Wed 24.4.      Juha Salmitaival: Brain imaging of attention and its disorders: from research to practice (individual learning diary to submit)       

    Thu 25.4.       Exercise session related to Juha Salmitaival's lecture

    -- Vappu --

    Thu 2.5.          Yoni Levy: Neural mechanisms of empathy

    Wed 8.5.        Hanna Renvall: Magnetoencephalography - from university to clinic and back

    -- Ascension Day --

    Wed 22.5.       What did we learn? Q & A