WAT-E1100 - Water and Environmental Engineering, Lecture, 4.9.2023-20.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 20.10.2023 Search Courses: WAT-E1100
Topic outline
On this sub-page you'll find information on how to get our WAT studies started, including information on the WAT Orientation Days on Tuesday 29.8. and Wednesday 30.8 in our Water Building (Tietotie 1E at Aalto University Campus in Otaniemi, Espoo: instructions here) as well as on the WAT Course's introductory first session on Monday morning 4.9.
Do note that some of the information below is visible only for those course participants who have logged in to MyCourses.
All students must complete independently Laboratory Safety Exam before the beginning of Week 4 (DL 24.9): read here how to do the exam.
Group rules Assignment
Submit your group's rules here (weekly chair submits) by first week's Friday as a pdf/doc file.