Topic outline

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      The portfolio is an assignment where you reflect on the themes of the course through your chosen case. The themes equal the theme weeks of the course, all of which you must address in some way. You may interpret the themes quite freely. For example, although the "water week" has no lecture about drinking water, you can still decide to focus on drinking water in addressing the water theme. Moreover, you can even mainly concentrate on one of the themes as long as you still reflect on all of them to some extent. 

      The format for your portfolio is free: it can be a PowerPoint -presentation, Word document, video, poster, etc. You can be creative and use photographs, diagrams, sound, and so on!

      You can use lecture slides, your own notes, and assignments, as well as discussions in your own group as an inspiration for your portfolio. You can also use external sources, but the idea is to not have to do a lot of extra reading. This is not a summary of the lectures, nor feedback for the course. Instead, concentrate on reflecting on course themes through your case and/or reflect on your case through the themes of the course.

      See also portfolio instructions in 1) the introduction lecture slides and 2) the submission folder of the portfolio case.

      The portfolio will be evaluated on the following criteria:

      • Substance: all the themes of the course have been dealt with in the context of the case and the content reflects the learning outcomes of the course (see Sisu). 
      • Format: the course themes' connection to the case has been elaborated in a way that is innovative, logical, and engaging.
      • Academic manner: both your own reasoning and external sources are presented in a transparent way. The referencing system should be Harvard.

       Grading criteria




      No submission or portfolio clearly consists of copied or AI-generated content without referencing.


      The portfolio has been submitted, but it's mainly copied or AI-generated content and lacks the student's own thinking and reflections, is missing references, and describes mainly course themes or the case without connecting them, or without concluding the work. It lacks logical structure or there are other technical difficulties. The reflections on the themes are unclear.


      The portfolio has been submitted on time, it has a logical structure, a good title, and it is creative. It has references marked. It includes independent thinking and reflections and it is starting to challenge things. A basic or somewhat good understanding of the relationship between course themes and the case is shown. 


      The portfolio has been submitted on time, the structure is clear and logical, the title matches the contents, and there may be possible subtitles (if submitted in written format) and proper academic referencing. The meanings of possible illustrations are unambiguous. The portfolio demonstrates the student's ability to think critically, in a creative manner and, reflect from their own point of view. An in-depth understanding of the connection between course themes and the selected case is shown.

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      Book a 20-minute voluntary portfolio help session through this link.