Topic outline

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      The deadline for all compensatory assignments is Friday 15.12.2023 at 23.59

      If you miss more than three contact sessions, you will have to complete one (four missed sessions) or two (five missed sessions) compensatory assignment(s). With more than five missed sessions, the course cannot be passed.

      For a compensatory assignment, one option is to attend for example this Aalto event about fast fashion: Out of Fashion – Aalto LASER Talks | Aalto University and write a 500-word report on it. If you find other suitable events that somehow touch on the contents of the course, we can also discuss the option of doing the same with them.

      The other option is writing a report on these UN-Habitat minilectures found here: Global Urban Lectures | UN-Habitat ( . Choose two of the available lectures that in your opinion best match the contents of the session you missed. Watch them and write a 500-word report on what you learned and how the contents of the two lectures relate to each other.

      You can use other additional sources too if you wish.

      The compensatory assignments are graded.