Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    Responsible teacher: Asst. Prof. Sergei Khakalo
    Lecturers: Sergei Khakalo, Dr.-Ing. Aleksandr Morozov
    Assistants: MSc Ahmad Shahgordi, DSc Viacheslav Balobanov


    Mondays 14.15–16.00 and Tuesdays 12.15–14.00 in room 266. Note: no lectures on Mon 29.04.2024 and Tue 28.05.2024.

    EXERCISES (See updates)

    Wednesdays and Thursdays 14.15–16.00 in room 266. Note: no exercises on Wed 01.05.2024, Thu 09.05.2024, and Thu 16.05.2024. 

    New schedule:

    Week 3: Wed 8.5.2024 at 14.15–16.00 (266), Fri 10.5.2024 at 14.15 –16.00 (266)

    Week 4: Wed 15.5.2024 at 14.15–16.00 (266), Thu 16.5.2024 at 14.15 –16.00 (266)

    Week 5: Wed 22.5.2024 at 8.15–10.00 (266)

    Week 6: Wed 29.5.2024 at 14.15–16.00 (266)


    New date: Thursday (06.06.2024) 13.00–16.00 in TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017.


    It should be noticed that more than 60% of the hours related to teaching--studying--learning is related to independent studying.

    Lectures: 2h x (2 x week) = 4h/week contact teaching
    Guided exercises and homework solving: 2h x (2 x week) contact teaching (1 homework/week)

    Self-studies in small groups or alone (not contact teaching): preparing, assimilating the course subjects and given reading assignments + doing the homework outside the guiding hours,
    at least 2h/day x 7 days x 6 weeks

    Examination: (3h) - twice during the academic year. A written EXAM should be passed successfully (Grades: 0-5. 0-fail, 1-5 pass). Course grade = Exam grade + possible upgrade. If collected HW points >= 2/3 of total HW points, then the course grade is upgraded by 1 point.


    • Understanding the fundamentals of material modelling within the framework of continuum mechanics.
    • Comprehending physical and mathematical descriptions of key features of common material behaviour in civil engineering related to their thermo-mechanical response.
    • Understanding the material models within the computational tools commonly used in civil engineering with respect to thermo-mechanical behaviour.
    • Analyzing critically and comprehensively applied material models.