Osion kuvaus

  • SAE module (total effort 22 h, corresponding to 0.8 ECTS)

    Fall 2023 round started on Mon Sep 25, 2023. The module was carried out in another MyCo space, with self-enrolment: Course: Scientific Article Exercise (SAE), 2023-2024 (CHEM-E0105) (aalto.fi) 

    • First deadline (DL 1): Mon Oct 2
    • Second deadline (DL 2): Wed Oct 11
    • Third deadline (DL 3): Tue Oct 24

    For those students who have not passed the SAE module, the last chance to do that as part of the ALC course will be Round B in Spring 2024. (The exact dates will be shared later: the timing will be roughly Period V.) The module will be organized again in another MyCo space. You can already let the teacher know of your intention to take Round B through the group choice on this page. Note that separate enrollment will be later required to the MyCo space of Round B. 

    • Sivu icon

      Date: Monday, September 25th, 2023

      Time: 8:30-10:00 am

      Place: Ke2, Kemistintie 1

      Teachers: Riikka Puurunen, Bruno Dufau Mattos

    • Sivu icon

      Date: Monday, October 30th, 2023

      Time: 8:15-10:00 am

      Place: Ke2 (Chemistry Building, Kemistintite 1)

      Teachers: Riikka Puurunen, Bruno Dufau Mattos

    • Ryhmävalinta icon

      If you have not passed the SAE module and intend to take it in Spring 2024 when it will be organized the last time as part of the ALC course, you can let the teacher know of your intention here. Note that separate enrollment will be later required to the MyCo space of Round B. By making this group choice, you make sure that teacher is aware of your intention and you will be communicated to when Round B starts. This Group Choice is open until the end of March 2024.