CHEM-E3190 - Metabolism D, Lecture, 4.9.2023-20.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 20.10.2023 Search Courses: CHEM-E3190
Lecture 1 (Intro to Metabolism) Mapp
Lecture 2 (Sugar metabolism) Mapp
Lecture 3 (Bioenergetics) Mapp
Lecture 4 (Citric acid cycle + Oxidative phosphorylation) Mapp
Lecture 5 (CO2-fixation + Diversity of Metabolisms) Mapp
Lecture 6 (Lipid metabolism) Mapp
Lecture 8 (Nitrogen metabolism, 28. Sept) Mapp
Lecture 9 (2. Oct., Methanogenesis) Mapp
Lecture 10 (Metabolic engineering, 5. Oct.) Mapp
Lecture 11 (Anaerobic metabolisms, 9. Oct.) Mapp