Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • Hi all

      The course will start on Friday Sept 15th (9:15-11:00)  with a kick-off session. There, I will introduce the course and then there will be pitching of the topics by clients. Place: Lecture room Titanium (Vuorimiehentie 2).

      You should preferably have knowledge on polymeric materials (both natural and synthetic) in order to carry out successful project work in your team.

      Br. Jouni Paltakari

    • After the topic pitching by the clients (15.9.2023) the students prepare motivation letters where they justify why they would be the right persons for a certain task/topic. You rank the topics in the order of your interest.

      The following steps are:

      • Selection of members for the teams vs. topic (companies/”clients”)

      • Team formation – role setting

      • A detailed start-up with the supervisor of the chosen topic

      • Progress as rehearsed during CHEM-E2160 - Product Development Practices, (pre-requisite for students in this major!)

      – Role setting and team leading important

      – Task clarification

      – Requirement list

      – Function recognition

      – Variant survey

      – Solution assessment and grading

      – Hands on to the literature, materials and structures, construction, lab work, all what is necessary…

      – Keep record on your actions (“black notebook” paper or e-form) – to be checked weekly

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kenttä Sähköpostiosoite sisältää aalto.fi
      Kansio icon
      Kick-off lecture 15.9.2023 materials Kansio
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L01 (SISU)
      Kansio icon
      Material from the earlier PDP-course Kansio

      Here you can find some (hopefully) useful slides from the course "Product development practices".

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L01 (SISU)
      Tehtävä icon
      Upload folder for team's material Tehtävä

      Hi team members

      You can upload here your material, files etc you want to share with us. 

      Br. Jouni