
  • Allmänt


      Day Date Time Type Topic/content
      Mon 23.10.2023 14:15-16:00 Lecture Introduction, areas of coating and end uses, why do we coat?
      Thu 26.10.2023 10:15-12:00 Lecture Substrates; base paper/board, plastics, metals, glass, textiles…
      Mon 30.11.2023 14:15-16:00 Lecture Coating pigments
      Thu 2.11.2023 10:15-12:00 Lecture Binders, co-binders, steps in coating development
      Mon 6.11.2023 14:15-16:00 Lecture Additives, Coating color preparation and handling, how to calculate the recipe
      Thu 9.11.2023 10:00-12:00 Exercise/lab Coating recipe calculation, recipe check and preparation of coating colors, viscosity measurements
      Mon 13.11.2023 14:15-16:00 Lecture Rheology, liquid interactions
      Wed 15.11.2023 9:00-13:00 Exercise/lab Coating the base papers and base boards, introduction of analysis and measurement methods
      Thu 16.11.2023 10:15-12:00 Lecture Water retention
      Mon 20.11.2023 14:15-16:00 Lecture Formation and structure of coating layer
      Wed 22.11.2023 9:15-13:00 Exercise/lab Calendering the samples, measurement of calendered surfaces
      Thu 23.11.2023 10:15-12:00 Lecture Coating and treatment of textiles, plastics, glass and metals
      Mon 27.11.2023 14:15-16:00 Lecture Coating machines and operations
      Wed 29.11.2023 9:15-12:00 Exercise/lab Spare time for lab work, check point
      Thu 30.11.2023 10:00-12:00 Seminar Presentations on laboratory work

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      Introduction 23.10.2023 Mapp
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      Substrates, base papers and boards 26.10.2023 Mapp
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      Pigments 30.10.2023 Mapp

      COATING COLOR PREPARATION DAY 9.11.2023, 10:00-12:00

      Note! The first groups will start at 10 sharp! (not 10:15)

      Groups will prepare their coating formulations from the raw materials available according to the calculated recipes. 

      Groups’ working times as follows:

      Groups #2-3 start at 10:00-10:45 (meet @ Puu1 lobby)

      Groups #4-5 & 1 start at 10:50-12:00 (meet @ Puu1 lobby)

      Starting point Puu1 lobby. Be there on time and ready with your lab coat on and eye protection glasses/goggles with you.

      LAB COATING DAY 15.11.2023, 9:00-13:00

      Note! The first groups will start at 9 sharp! (not 9:15)

      Substrates will be coated with a laboratory K-Coater (a rod coater) with the coating formulations prepared by the groups.

      Groups #2-3 start at 9:00-10:30 (meet @ Puu1 lobby)

      Groups #1, 4 start at 10:30-12:00 (meet @ Puu1 lobby)

      Groups #5 start at 12:00-13:00 (meet @ Puu1 lobby)

      Starting point Puu1 lobby. Be there on time and ready with your lab coat on and eye protection glasses/goggles with you.

      First coating of samples with the rod coater (K-coater). After this groups will move to paper testing laboratory, where Eero Hiltunen will explain how to do the necessary measurements and analysis.


      Groups #2-3: 9-00-10:15

      Groups #1, 4: 10:30-11:45

      Group #5 12:00-12:40

      Testing of paper properties 

      Conditioning of samples for testing

      Grammage, thickness/density/bulk



      Groups #2-3: 10:15->

      Groups #1, 4: 11:45->

      Group #5: 12:40->

      NOTE!: DO NOT CUT the samples before calendering. Cutting and coat weight calculation after the calendering.

      Calendering of coated samples

      This 3rd part covers the lab calendering part of the coated samples. Calendering will be conducted for a selected number of coated sheets in order to compare the effects of calendering on coated papers.


      Calendering will be conducted on Wednesday 22.11.2023 starting 9:15 and ending at 12.

      9:15-10:30    Group#2-3

      10:30-12:00   Group#4-5 & #1

      Parameters in calendering:

      Line load: 80 kN/m

      Temperature: 80 degC

      Speed: 20 m/min

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      Lab work instructions Mapp

      Here you can find condensed information on each step in our laboratory work.

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      Gruppval icon
      Enrollment to lab groups Gruppval

      Enroll to one of the groups for the laboratory work. Each group can have max four (4) persons.

      Note from the earlier labwork descriptions when individual groups will be present at labs! Take this into consideration when selecting groups.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
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      Binders and co-binders 2.11.2023 Mapp
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      Additives 6.11.2023 Mapp
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      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Coating color formulation calculation - recipies uploaded here Inlämningsuppgift

      "How to calculate the coating color recipe?" will be introduced and discussed on Monday Nov 6th lecture. There we start planning your recipies and when you have them ready, please upload them into this folder with file name "Recipe Group#1...5" according to your groups number.

      We will prepare coating formulations, where the total dry weight of pigment is 1500 grams.

      The pigment choices for the formulations will be as follows (every group has their own mixture):

      100 % CaCO3, 10 pph latex binder  (group 2)

      100 % clay, 10 pph latex binder  (group 3)

      50% CaCO3 + 50% clay, 10 pph latex binder  (group 4)

      25% CaCO3 + 75% clay, 10 pph latex binder  (group 5)

      75% CaCO3 + 25% clay, 10 pph latex binder  (group 1)

      Binder amount will be 10 pph and target dry solids content 63 %.

      Additional information of this topic will appear here closer to the Thu Nov 9th event.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Data sheet template + MASTER DATA SHEET + upload folder for the ready data-set Inlämningsuppgift

      MASTER DATA SHEET ADDED (UPDATE 29.11.2023, 10:48) Includes data from ALL teams!

      NOTE, there are some "odd" values in data. Check your own parts!

      Here you can find a template (DataSheet for Groups 2023.xlxs) to fill out your group's sample and measurement data. When everything done and ready, upload your groups datafile named as: "DataSheet#1…5.xlsx" where the last part is your group's number.

      I will compile then a master data batch, which is available to all groups to compare your results to the whole data and to draw conclusions from this.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
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      Rheology and liquid interactions 13.11.2023 Mapp
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)


      Enrollment to the end exam is now open. Link to the Exam system can be found below.

      You will do the end exam in an Exam-system. The exam period will be 27.11.-15.12.2023.  You can take the e-exam on a date and time that suit you within this period of availability. The e-exam rooms are located on the Aalto campus in Otaniemi. Their opening hours usually follow the opening hours of the respective buildings.  You can register for an electronic examination (e-exam) using the EXAM online service. The actual exam will take place in a physical e-examination room on Aalto University’s campus, however. Total duration of your exam is 55 minutes. If you enter the exam room late,  time is running and the exam ends 55 minutes from the reserved starting time.

      Structure of the exam:

      There are first 10 multiple choice questions. One anwser per question is right. Select only one choice. You will get 2 points from right anwser, 0 points from wrong or empty anwser. Then there is a question on coating formulation calculation and then one essay question, both worth 5 points. Max points from exam is 30 points. Your exam points will be transferred to course grading in addition to the lab work part.

      Link to Exam enrollment (Exam-system):


      General information on the Exam system is available:


    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      POLL for the END SEMINAR DAY
      Please participate the poll to select and confirm the end seminar day.
      Preferred day is Thu 30.11.2023 (10:15-12). Alternative day is Mon 4.12.2023 (14:15-16).
      Select suitable time for you. the preferred time being 30.11., but select both if they suit you. Day with the most votes will be selected.


    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
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      Water retention 16.11.2023 Mapp
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      Coating layer formation and coating structure Mapp
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      Coating formulation viscosities - update

      What happened to coating formulations' viscosities during one week of rest?

      Take a look on the following table and use the +1 week values in your analysis and documentation. It is clear, that the formulations lost part of their stability during this period. However, the coatings were still successful in lab.

      Fresh +1 week
      Group CaCO3 Kaolin Binder Dry solids Br100 Br100
      # % % pph % mPa s mPa s
      2 100 0 10 63 942 1304
      3 0 100 10 63 198 380
      4 50 50 10 63 1008 1794
      5 25 75 10 63 534 1418
      1 75 25 10 63 444 1382


      Preferred presentation structure:


      Materials and methods (do not spend too much time with methods, since all groups have used the same. However, list them in your slides, since there will not be a separate report) 

      Results  (think also how you present the results with your graphs, effect of coat weight, .....)

      Discussion (and possible reflections to the master data on all results. How your team's results compare to those)

      You can use max 20 minutes for your presentation (including short discussion). We reserve time for questions and discussions. Jouni as a teacher will have a sum-up presentation after your teams' presentations.


    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      (Upload) End seminar presentations here Inlämningsuppgift

      Upload your end seminar presentations here (day begore the seminar day)

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
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      Coating machinery, calendering 27.11.2023 Mapp
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      Textiles - A Tehrani 23.11.2023 Mapp
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      Summary of Results 2023 Mapp

      Summary presentation of all the results 2023

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