CHEM-E3121 - Microbial Physiology D, Lecture, 5.9.2023-16.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 16.10.2023 Search Courses: CHEM-E3121
General information on the course Fil PDF
When Where Event Book chapter Type of event Assignment Submission DL Topic 5.9. Tue 8:15-10 L1-241 lecture 1 Chapter 4 lecture Pearson 12.9. at 8:15 Microbial Growth and Its Control 8.9. Fri 10:15-12 Maari C-D 184-186 lecture 2 - Computational exercise Report 22.9. at 10:15 Assessing microbial population growth parameters from data 12.9. Tue 8:15-10 L1-241 lecture 3 Chapter 2 lecture Pearson 19.9. at 8:15 Microbial Cell Structure and Function 15.9. Fri 10:15-12 Maari C-D 184-186 lecture 4 Chapter 7 lecture Pearson 22.9. at 10:15 Microbial Regulatory Systems 19.9. Tue 8:15-10 L1-241 lecture 5 Chapter 8 lecture Pearson 26.9. at 8:15 Molecular Aspects of Microbial Growth 22.9. Fri 10:15-12 Maari C-D 184-186 lecture 6 - Computational exercise Report 10.10. at 10:15 Modelling microbial metabolism for phenotype predictions 26.9. Tue 8:15-10 L1-241 lecture 7 Chapter 9 lecture Pearson 3.10. at 8:15 Genetics of Bacteria and Archaea 29.9. Fri 10:15-12 Maari C-D 184-186 lecture 8 Chapter 14 lecture Pearson 6.10. at 10:15 Metabolic Diversity of Microorganisms 3.10. Tue 8:15-10 L1-241 lecture 9 Chapter 19 lecture Pearson 10.10. at 8:15 Taking the Measure of Microbial Systems 6.10. Fri 10:15-12 Maari C-D 184-186 lecture 10 Chapter 10 Guest lecture Pearson 13.10. at 10:15 Microbial Genomics and Other Omics 10.10. Tue 8:15-10 L1-241 lecture 11 Chapter 13 lecture Pearson 17.10. at 8:15 Microbial Evolution and Genome Dynamics 13.10. Fri 10:15-12 Maari C-D 184-186 lecture 12 - Computational exercise Report 20.10. at 10:15 Culture-independent determination of microbial community composition
Monday the 16th of October, 9-13
1. Pearson homework (See the Learning material -section in the left panel for access details) from each event annotated with a book chapter in the schedule. These homework will be give points for passing the course (See below) Deadline for the homework in 7 days on the start of the lecture on that day (See submission DL in the schedule).
2. Scheduled reading assigned always to the day of the following lecture. Scheduled reading does not give points for passing the course but is intended to help scheduling the independent work outside lectures.
Exercise reports
A report of each Computational Exercise (indicated in red in the schedule) prepared in a template provided will be graded to max 5 points that can be used for passing the course. The template and submission site are provided for each computational exercise (See corresponding sections in the left panel).
Passing the course
Two options, the best one determines the grade:
1. Exam + homework + exercise reports
a. Exam max 55 points
b. Pearson homework max 30 points (max 90 Pearson points scaled by multiplying with 1/3) (See the Learning material -section in the left panel for access details)
c. Computational exercise reports max 3 x 5 points (template and submission site provided for each computational exercise, see corresponding sections in the left panel)
2. Exam
Exam points (max 55) will be scaled by multiplying with 100/55
< 50 points in total, grade 0
≥ 50 points in total, grade 1
≥ 60 points in total, grade 2
≥ 70 points in total, grade 3
≥ 80 points in total, grade 4
≥ 90 points in total, grade 5
Learning material
1. E-Book: Brock Biology of Microorganisms 16th Ed., Pearson (available via Mastering Microbiology, see the Pearson E-book and homework -section in the left panel for access)
2. Lecture slides and other material used at lectures and exercises will be provided in MyCourses (See left panel for corresponding sections) promptly after each event at latest (visitor’s material provision may have some delay).
(This information is also attached as a pdf file.) -
Pearson homework points Fil PDF
Please, find here the Pearson homework points (max 30). The scaling was done by multiplying with 1/3. These points together with the points from the computational exercise reports count to your final grade in case the sum of scaled Pearson points, computational exercise report points and the exam points (max 55) will be higher than the exam points scaled with 100/55.
Computational exercise report points Fil PDF
Please, find here the computational exercise report points (max 15) (DNS = did not submit). These points together with the Pearson points count to your final grade in case the sum of scaled Pearson points, computational exercise report points and the exam points (max 55) will be higher than the exam points scaled with 100/55.
Exam points 16.10.2023 and extra 19.10.2023 Fil PDF
Please, find here the exam points.
Course grades Fil PDF
Please, find here the course grades. Please, see the details for the two grading options in the sldies of the first lecture. Here as the final grade, the higher option is considered.
Course grades, Exam retake Fil PDF