Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    This course will cover the most common acoustical measurements in theory and in practice. The lectures are given by Prof. Tapio Lokki, but there will be also many visiting lectures from different companies to tell you on their practical projects and special measurements.

    The lectures are in room Karjalainen (A-Grid, E208b) on Tuesdays 16-18 and Wednesdays 10-12. 

    The schedule of the course, Fall 2023 
    Date Lecturer Topics Assingments
    5.9. Tue Tapio Lokki Introduction, course practicalities, basics of measurements, basic concepts, levels, dBs
    6.9. Wed Tapio Lokki SPL meter, weightings, microphones, sources, sound power, intensity First home assignment (environmental noise)
    12.9. Tue Henri Kari (W.Zenner Oy) Measurements of noise from HVAC devices
    13.9. Wed Timo Peltonen (Akukon Oy)
    Vibration measurements
    19.9. Tue Tapio Lokki and Olli Santala (Sitowise Oy)
    Building acoustics (sound insulation, impact sound insulation)

    Second home assignment (building acoustics)
    20.9. Wed Tapio Lokki Feedback on environmental noise  assignment + Environmental noise, measurements outdoors
    26.9. Tue Karolina Prawda 2ch FFT and  impulse response measurements, and room acoustics
    27.9. Wed Karolina Prawda Impulse response measurements  Third home assignment (room acoustics)
    3.10. Tue
    Tapio Lokki Feedback on  building acoustics assignments + Intensity and absorption measurements
    4.10. Wed  Tapio Lokki

    Impedance tube theory and measurement + characterisation and modeling of porous materials 

    Fourth home assignment (impedance tube)
    10.10. Tue Kai Saksela (NL Acoustics) Beam-forming, Acoustic Camera, machine learning in acoustics
    11.10. Wed Assoc. Prof. Konca Saher(

    Kadir Has University)

    Acoustic consultancy and the use of auralization
    Speech intelligibility assessment in reverberant conditions and class rooms
    12.10. videos Tapio Lokki
    Room acoustics assignment and impedance tube assignment explanations, videos