Topic outline

  • There are five home work assignments on this course. Each assignment has one TA in charge of it, and they are the best person for getting help on the assignment. The TA in charge will make an announcement on MyCourses when the assignment becomes available, so you'll know who it is.

    Instructions for writing your submission:

    • Reports (and texts) are to be done individually, you can cooperate on doing the exercises. Use of large language models (LLMs) is not allowed. Publishing answers in the internet is also not allowed.
    • Make sure to read the questions in detail and answer to all parts of the question
    • Write down all important steps
    • Label figures correctly (legend, axis etc.)
    • Return a 1-2 page PDF file with only the questions and answers. Python notebook files or PDF exports of the notebooks will not be accepted and will automatically result in 0 points.
    • We recommend Overleaf and Latex for writing your submissions, but you may use any text processor you like to prepare your submission as long as it can export PDF. We provide templates below for Overleaf (Latex) and Word.
    • Don't scan handwritten text/figures but make everything on the computer.
    • Make sure to write your name, your student number and the exercise number in the pdf file
    • Upload the answers to MyCourses
    • See MyCourses for the submission deadlines
    How to remotely connect to a campus Linux desktop (Maari computers) for the exercises:
    1. Connect to a Linux shell server, either Kosh or Lyta: 'ssh'  OR  'ssh' (Please note that the command needs your Aalto username, therefore it is not the same as your email address, meaning the command is not 'ssh'.)
    2. Connect to a computer using 'ssh LINUX_COMPUTER_NAME'. Find the names here. Use the name as is and don't try translating Finnish names into English, because the computers do not recognize translations.

    • File icon
      Assignment submission template (LaTex) File TEX

      Latex template for creating assignment submissions. For editing, we recommend the Overleaf service. Aalto provides Professional features for all students and staff.

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 1.11. 23:59

      Instructions and exercise files will be published as a zip attached to the assignment submission page.

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 8.11. 23:59

      The assignment can be found here:

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 15.11. 23:59

      Part  1 (n-grams) can be found here:

      Part 2 (neural LMs) instructions (pdf) and data ( jupyter notebook) are attached here.

      The history seed for FFNN is "a girl" (["a", "girl"]).
      The history seed for RNN is "<s> a girl" (["<s>", "a", "girl"]). 

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 22.11. 23:59

      The assignment can be found here:

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 29.11. 23:59

      Instructions and exercise files are in the zip attached on the assignment submission page. You can run the notebook at (recommended) or on your own computer. On the Jupyter notebook server, you can ignore the warning about NNPack initialization because it will not affect the output.

    • File icon
      Assignment submission template (Word) File DOCX

      Word template for assignment submissions.