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    Design Thinking and Advanced Prototyping is a bachelor’s level course primarily intended for the 2nd year DSD (Digital Systems and Design) major students. The course format is a team project, weekly exercises and lectures. 

    The course deepens the students’ understandings of electronic prototyping, which they have gained in the Design Thinking and Electronic Prototyping course. The intent is to create technically more sophisticated and internet-connected prototypes in a hands-on and iterative manner. Special focus will be given to the user-centred definition of requirements during the prototyping phase, and expressive communication of useful electronic design concepts.

    During the 2024 spring the recommended way to take the course is a 8 ECTS wide project (5 credits from the DTAP and 3 credits via elective part). The project will continue from the beginning of the Period III until the end of Period V.

    Lectures and Design Workshops

    On Wednesdays 09:15 - 12:00 in the Learning Hub Atrium - the glass-walled open space at the end of the corridor in Maarintie 8.

    Salu Ylirisku

    Course assistants

    Shahram Barai, Rafal Ciechanski, Emil Fihlman, Mimi Määttä