
  • General

    Welcome to Electromagnetism!

    This course is primarily meant for first-year Bachelor's students and everyone interested in the basics of electromagneticsThe pre-knowledge of differential and integral calculus is recommended. 

    In this six-week course, we shall focus on the various interesting phenomena of electromagnetism. How electric and magnetic fields are created, how they interact, and how electromagnetic waves propagate.

    We'll start on Monday, 2February, in Hall TU7 (TUAS-talo, Maarintie 8). The course will be implemented in contact teaching - i.e., it is not possible to participate in the sessions or the course remotely. Lectures are on Mondays  12:15-14 and Wednesdays 10:15-12 in Hall TU7. Exercise sessions are on Thursdays 10:15-11:45 in Hall TU6. 

    We will primarily reference the textbook "Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics" by David K. Cheng. For a more comprehensive exploration of the same topics, "Field and Wave Electromagnetics" by the same author serves as an extended version, offering additional details beneficial for any student seeking deeper insight.

    Homework problems are to be returned weekly. They are graded and their outcome forms 40% of the final grade of the course. The remaining 60% comes from the course exam on Monday, April 15, 13:00-16:00. The retake exam is on May 13, 16:30-19.30.

    Viktar Asadchy (Teacher-in-charge) viktar.asadchy at aalto.fi

    Mohammadmahdi Asgari (Teaching assistant) mohammadmahdi.asgari at aalto.fi

    Shadi Safaei Jazi (Teaching assistant) shadi.safaeijazi at aalto.fi

    Ruhan Kartik (Teaching assistant) ruhan.kartik at aalto.fi