Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Lectures have finished. Thank you for attending the course!

    • Course feedback form is open until 30.4.2024
    • Send me a Slack message when you are finished with the revisions (or don't plan on revising) and I'll put the final grades in Sisu. If I receive no message, I'll check the revisions at the end of April.
    • The final grade is the geometric average of all assignments.
    • It is possible to improve the grade by doing revisions even after the end of April.

    Course arrangements:

    • All lectures will be in hybrid format on Thursdays at 14:15:
      • You can attend the lectures in person in Lecture room 1 / Otakaari 3.
      • You can also attend online at: Zoom lecture room
      • All lectures will be recorded and shared to students via Panopto
    • Slack will be the primary communication channel during the course.
    • There will be a weekly in-person exercise and demonstration session (not every week, depending on the home assignments). Place: Lecture room 1 / Otakaari 3. Time: Monday 12:15-14:00.
    • Help for doing exercise problems is available anytime on Slack
    • The last lecture will be an in-person workshop. Let's select the time and date for the workshop later.
    • Grading is based on home assignments (see Instructions for submitting assignments). There will be no exam.

    Course materials are available here:

    • Week 1: Course arrangements and introduction to human exposure standards and guidelines
    • Week 2: Rationale of human exposure guidelines at low frequencies
    • Week 3: Electromagnetics of human exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields
    • Week 4: Calculating induced electric fields numerically
    • Week 5: Evaluation of the induced electric field in an anatomic model
    • Week 6: Exposure to radiofrequency EMF
    • Week 7: SAR and bioheat equation
    • Week 8: Introduction to the FDTD method
    • Week 9: SAR calculations using the FDTD method
    • Pre-task for Lecture 10

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Zoom lecture room Verkko-osoite

      This link will be used for online lectures and other online meetings

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Slack Verkko-osoite

      Slack workspace for Electromagnetic field safety 2024