Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    Welcome to the High Voltage Engineering Course.


    Place for In-Person Sessions: Maarintie 8, Room AS1

    Please find the Lecture, Exercise Sessionsand Homeworks as follows:

    04 Sep. 2023 - Lecture 01

    11 Sep. 2023 - Lecture 02

    18 Sep. 2023 - Lecture 03 and Exercise 01

    25 Sep. 2023 - Lecture 04

    02 Oct. 2023 - Lecture 05 and Exercise 02

    09 Oct. 2023 - Lecture 06 and DL Homework 01

    16 Oct. 2023 - Mid-term evaluation (Includes all info before Lecture 06); Place and Time: AS1, at 12:15

    23 Oct. 2023 - Lecture 07 and Exercise 03 (ONLINE; ZOOM LINK: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67542398845)

    30 Oct. 2023 - Lecture 08 and DL Homework 02

    06 Nov. 2023 - Lecture 09 and Exercise 04

    13 Nov. 2023 - Lecture 10 and Exercise 05 and DL Homework 03

    20 Nov. 2023 - Lecture 11


    Exercise questions are published 1 week before the session, and solutions after the session. Homework questions are published 2 weeks before a deadline (DL). Homework 1 gives 6 points, homeworks 2 and 3 give 7 points each, 20 points in total.

    • Valinta icon

      This applies especially to those who participated in the mid-term exam. That is, if you participated in the mid-term exam and you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may choose any option. 

      In case you did not participate in the mid-term exam, then no need to vote as you should take the option "Final Exam (80 points)".

      Please choose the exam option you would like to proceed with for the final exam.