
  • Allmänt

    Welcome to the Neurorobotics!

    Tentative grades are available in the PDF at bottom of the page!

    Course Zoom link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62303175096

    This course is led by Ivan Vujaklija (ivan.vujaklija@aalto.fi,  Office F306, Rakentajanaukio 2c)

    This year’s course will be conducted predominantly in a hybrid format (combination of in person and remote accessible materials). Majority of lectures will predominantly be organized as in-person sessions with an active Zoom link for remote access, or in a few cases as prerecorded lectures (no physical class). Exercises will mostly take place in person with some of the sessions having a Zoom link as well. 

    Zoom, MyCourses, and email will be main communication platforms, for the course, however participants are encouraged to utilize any other means of communication that they might find useful for supporting their own work.

    All the handouts and video materials for the course (including Zoom recordings) will be uploaded in the Materials section of the page (on your left) according to the schedule. 

    Intended Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing this course, the participants are able to:

      • Perform basic biosignal processing
      • Establish fundamental human-machine interfaces
      • Develop and compare a range of human in the loop robotic controllers
      • Identify requirements and challenges of developing human-robot interaction environments
      • Consider basic design needs for establishing robotic teleoperation and development of wearable robots
    Assessment Methods and Criteria
      • Exercise reports (50%)
      • Learning logs (30%)*
      • Article report (20%)*

    In case student is not able to complete the above tasks or is dissatisfied with the performance, there is an opportunity for a cumulative final exam at the end of the course which will discard the performance of the above three assessments and account for the full 100% of the grade. 

    *The two are assessed in a final 1-to-1 oral session 

    Study Material

    The course is mainly based on lecture notes and handouts that will be made available on the MyCourses page.


    Recommended: basic programming knowledge (MATLAB or Python), basic signal processing


    Lectures on Mondays 12:15-14:00 TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8 (+Zoom) or prerecorded (see below)
    Exercises on Thursdays 10:15-12:00 R037/1621 AS5 or Otakaari 5 I-wing (to be announced)

    *due to increased interest in the course the logistics are still being fixed and the calendar and rooms are tentative at the moment

    Updated Neurorobotics 2024 calendar

    • Lecture 1 Course introduction and basics of human-machine interfaces (TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8 + Zoom)
    • Lecture 2 Basics of biosignal processing (prerecorded)
    • Exercise 0 introductory visit to the labs (Otakaari 5 I-wing)
    • Lecture 3 Human in the loop robotic controllers 1 (TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8 + Zoom)
    • Exercise 1 Biosignal processing (Otakaari 5 I-wing)
    • Exercise 2 Feature calculation (Otakaari 5 I-wing)
    • Exercise 3 Classification based controllers (R037/1621 AS5 + Zoom)
    • Lecture 4 Human in the loop robotic controllers 2 (TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8 + Zoom)
    • Lecture 5 Human-robot interaction and cooperation (prerecorded)
    • Exercise 4 Regression based controllers (R037/1621 AS5 + Zoom)
    • Exercise 5 Human-robot interaction (R037/1621 AS5 + Zoom)
    • Lecture 6 Wearable robots and course wrap up (TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8 + Zoom)