Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer: Dominik Baumann

    Teaching assistants: Abdullah Tokmak, Qingyun Guo, MingLi Ma, Harsha Guda

    • Lectures: Fridays at 14:15-16:00 in AS2
    • Exercise sessions: Wednesdays at 14:15-16:00 in TU1
      • Exercise problems are published each Friday after the lecture (See Exercises-tab)
      • Solutions are published after the exercise session (See Exercises-tab)

    • Homework sessions / Laskutupa: Wednesdays at 10:15-12:00
      • From 13.9. - 4.10. in B-hall (R001Y203a, Main building)
      • From 11.10. - 29.11. in T6 (R030T6 A136, CS-building)
      • Homeworks are published under Homeworks-tab
      • Solutions are published after the deadline under the corresponding submission box.
    • Exams
      • Intermediate exam 1 on Wednesday 18.10. at 14:00-16:00 in TU1
      • Intermediate exam 2 on Tuesday 5.12. at 13:00-16:00 in AS2

    • Assessment criteria: quizes, homeworks, intermediate exams / full exam
    • Contact the course personnel via email. Please add "ELEC-E8101" to the subject.

    Aims of the course:

    The main aim of the course is to help students acquire in-depth knowledge of digital control, the design of digital feedback control systems, and their use in various engineering applications, ranging from control to medicine and biology. After completing the course the student: 

    • understands the principles of discrete-time modeling and computer control;
    • understands the common ideas and differences between analog and digital control; 
    • can design, simulate and implement discrete-time controllers (for example discretized PID or state feedback controllers); 
    • understands the Principle of Optimality; 
    • understands the ideas behind optimal controllers, specifically LQ control; 
    • can design and implement LQ controllers; 
    • understands the basics of stochastic control theory and can implement the Kalman filter.