
  • Allmänt

    How this course works:
    • The main activity in the course is participating in one project which is a group work of about 4-5 students.
    • All project topics are proposed by EEA department, own topics are not possible. Each project topic has an expert instructor, working in the department.
    • The project topics will be found in the "Project topics" section before the course kick-off lecture.
    • Select five topics based on your preferences. The groups will be formed by the teachers' board after overall assessment in which student preferences and available positions are taking into account.
    • The groups will select a project manager among themselves during the first 2-3 weeks.
    • Later on, there is a business case exercise related to your project topic, supported with lectures.
    • Final Gala will take place 23.5.2024, by that time all the technical work in the project should be completed. After that, there is about one week to complete the final report.
    • The grading of the course is based on self-assessment, peer-evaluation within the project group and teacher assessment. This will be done the first time after week 12 and the second time after week 21. Each student will get a personal grade from 1 to 5.

    Major Common Events

    • 9.1.2024 12:15-14:00:  Kick-off lecture
    • 23.1.2024 12:15-14:00: Project planning lecture
    • 30.1.2024 12:15-14:00: Project planning/management lecture
    • 6.2.2024 12:15-14:00: Standardization & Group communication competences lecture
    • 13.2.2024 12:15-14:00: Worklife experience with Standards
    • 27.2.2024 12:15-14:00: Business case exercise kick-off
    • 29.2.2024 12:15-14:00: Business aspects lecture
    • 5.3.2024 12:15-14:00: Business aspects lecture. This lecture will take place online via Zoom.
    • 7.3.2024 14:15-18:00: An optional 30 min personal meeting with a teacher available
    • 12.3.2024 8:15-14:00: Business pitches
    • 23.5.2024 8:00-18:00 Final Gala (TU2)

    Major Common Milestones

    • 9.1.2024 Kick-off and project topics will be revealed
    • 15.1.2024 12:00, project topics will be available until this deadline
    • 19.1.2024 You know your project topic and group
    • 8.2.2024 23:59, the deadline to submit the project plan, must be accepted by Instructor
    • 8.3.2024 23:59, the deadline to submit presentation slides for business case seminar
    • 15.3.2024 23:59, the deadline to submit the business case document, accepted by Instructor
    • 5.6.2024 12:00, the deadline to submit final reports to MyCourses (approved by the Instructor)

    Note: These are common milestones for the course. Per project topic, there will be other deadlines, but you will schedule these in the project planning phase and the agreement of those is written into the accepted and submitted Project plan.

    Public website

    The public website for the course, presenting completed projects is available at: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/AEEproject/ Under that website you can access final reports of all earlier completed projects.

    Contact information

    Responsible teachers Tomasz Kucner, Craig Carlson, Lauri Palva and Vesa Vuorinen will answer all questions related to the course. You can reach them by email project-work@aalto.fi.  Later when you know your project topic, the official instructor of that project will be the contact person in all issues related to the specific project.