ELEC-L0902 - Introduction to Doctoral Studies D, Lecture, 12.1.2024-17.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 17.04.2024 Search Courses: ELEC-L0902
Topic outline
Here you can find some instructions how to use Zoom in this course. We want everyone to have a smooth and fruitful learning experience, and these instructions are provided to ensure that.
Following these instructions is mandatory.
One day before the course:
- Sign in to aalto.zoom.us with your Aalto email and password
- Download the Zoom application:
- Aalto Windows computer: Self-service portal (see instructions)
- Aalto Mac: instructions
- Other computer: zoom.us/download
- Android: Google Play Store
It takes hours for the application to install to Aalto Workstations through the Self-service portal, so be early. If you start late and an event is soon, consider installing the app on your phone.One hour before an event:
- Open the Zoom application
- Select Sign in with SSO: aalto.zoom.us
- provide the Aalto username and password
15 minutes before an event:
- check that the Zoom application is still running and you are signed in with your Aalto credentials
- click the link provided on the Course information page.
- the meeting should open in the application
- If not: go to the application and provide the meeting ID
During an event:
- keep your mic muted when not talking
- video is nice at least when you talk, if your bandwidth allows
- when we start working in breakout rooms, click the Join-button to move to the room
- questions and comments are very welcome during seminar presentations, just type it to the chat or raise your hand
- be active
- learn
- share your views
- respect other persons and criticize sensibly, when you disagree