
  • Welcome to a training program for management communication consultants and coaches!

    In this course, you will acquire essential insights and skills to serve as a management communication consultant and coach! ;)

    The training is based on self-learning and group work, and we only have three mandatory meetings. Hence you are expected to study the readings before each meeting, and work on the assignments in your own time. Also make sure that you are able to come to meetings at the given times.

    If you have any questions related to the training that are not covered on this site and the syllabus below, you can reach me (the instructor) via email at kirsi.eraranta@aalto.fi 

    Weekly schedule and course outline

    • Gruppval icon

      Project teams will be formed during the first meeting. After that, please enrol yourself to a given team here, before the submission of the team contract. Thanks!

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Submit your team contract here. Choose a name and a presentable photo for your team, and describe how you are going to 

      • Set objectives
      • Work as a team and participate
      • Communicate and meet
      • Resolve potential conflicts