
  • Course overview

    NOTE: this course requires compulsory attendance in the laboratory exercises!

    UPDATE on the final seminar: It will be 24.4 14-16 in Halko (220) at Vuorimiehentie 1. This will not be updated in Sisu or on the schedule PDF so mark your calendars. 

    The course is taught during periods III-V (total workload = 5 cr * 27 h/cr = 135 h): 60 hours labwork, 60 hours independent work, 15 hours of other sessions.

    Course description

    During this course, student teams plan and carry out wood fractionation experiments in the laboratory. The results of the fractionation experiments are used as guidelines for planning new industrial-scale installations. The course is structured to be a research project commissioned by a big pulp and paper company, which is willing to increase its product portfolio e.g. through more efficient use of the mills' biomass-derived side streams. In addition to producing the end products with the wanted specifications, the student teams are responsible of providing justified evaluation on the economical and technical feasibility of the suggested processes.

    In addition to learning biomass fractionation in practice, another important topic throughout the course are working life competences, especially communication and teamwork skills. Therefore, in addition of working in the laboratories of Puu 1 building, significant attention is put into presenting the project results in an inspirational manner; also, giving and receiving feedback is a focus area during this course.


    Tiina Nypelö is the responsible teacher of the course. Other teachers are Huy Quang Lê, Chonnipa Palasing, and Jinze Dou.

    The official course description with additional information can be found in Sisu.