Osion kuvaus

  • Site for pre-assignments and returning reports.

    Learning outcomes of pre-assignments (Part I and Part III)

    • Able to recognize and understand basic terms, methods and concepts related to biolaboratory.
    • Able to apply the knowledge from pre-assignment into week’s experiments.
    • Able to analyze experimental data from week’s experiments in basic level, demonstrating an understanding of key concepts and principles.

    The submission deadlines for each pre-assignment are indicated within their respective sections.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      Part I Kansio

      Below you will find the pre-assignments for Part I.

      Any questions regarding to Part I pre-assignments: Contact Rahul Mangayil or Samuel Girmay (samuel.girmay@aalto.fi).

    • Kansio icon

      Below you will find the pre-assignment for Part II

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tehtävä icon
      Part II: Pre-assignment for BioBricks experiments Tehtävä

      Questions need to be answered in written form, write 200 words

      Pre-assignment is done individually

      In part II you'll assemble a plasmid for expression of the fluorescent reporter protein GFP. GFP expression is often used as a proxy to measure the promoter activity. Apart from fluorescent reporter proteins, what other kind of experimental techniques can you use for testing of promoter activities? Which are the most direct/indirect methods to determine the activity of a promoter?

      In these experiments you will isolate plasmid DNA from E. coli cells. Describe a method, how plasmid DNA can be isolated from E. coli. Provide as many details as are necessary for understanding how the method functions. 

    • Kansio icon

      Below you will find the pre-assignments for Part III

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Complete the feedback questionnaire related to virtual laboratories and assessment methods to further improve our virtual laboratories, assessment methods and the course design.

      As I explained in kick-off lecture, feedback will be used in a study to improve virtual laboratories, assessment methods, the course as well the master's programme which is currently going a renewal for next years students. So your feedback is highly important! Feedback will be anonymous and takes about 10-15 minutes. 

      Also, if you answer the feedback questionnaire before the last session (1.12), you will receive a lunch ticket to Mau-kas restaurant (value 11,50 EUR). In the last session, show me that you have answered feedback and I will give you the lunch ticket.  If you have any questions related to study, you can contact me for more details.