CHEM-E7151 - Production Planning and Optimization, Lecture, 4.9.2023-18.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 18.10.2023 Search Courses: CHEM-E7151
Announcements Forum
Lecture 1: Introduction Mapp
Lecture 2: Linear Programming Mapp
Exercise 1: Linear Programming Mapp
Lecture 3: The Simplex Method Mapp
Exercise 2: The Simplex Method Mapp
Exercise 3: Linear Programming using GAMS Mapp
Lecture 4: Supply Chain Optimization Mapp
Exercise 4: Supply Chain Optimization Mapp
Assignment 1: Supply chain optimization Inlämningsuppgift
Lecture 5: Integer Programming Mapp
Exercise 5: Integer Programming Mapp
Old Videos Mapp
Lecture 6: Scheduling Mapp
Exercise 6: Scheduling Mapp
Lecture 7: Dynamic Programming Mapp
Exercise 7: Dynamic Programming Mapp
Lecture 8: Heuristics and Metaheuristics Mapp
Exercise 8: Heuristics and metaheuristics Mapp
Assignment 2: Scheduling optimization Inlämningsuppgift
Lecture 9: RTN Mapp
Exercise 9: RTN Mapp
Lecture 10: MINLP and GDP Mapp
Lecture 11: Modelling environments - JuMP and Pyomo Mapp
Lecture 12: Recap session Mapp
Course exam 2023-10-18 Inlämningsuppgift
Re-take Exam 2023-12-04 Inlämningsuppgift
Re-re-take Exam 2024-05-15 Inlämningsuppgift