Topic outline

  • Welcome to Cell Factory course 2024

    For the course related matter primary contact person is Tomas Strucko (via Aalto email).

    You will find the most important information in the course syllabus and the course overview slides.

    The course consists of lectures, individual weekly homework, and written group work project.

    Please NOTE that the first lecture (Introduction to course and written group project) and the last lecture (presentation of the group work projects) of the course have mandatory attendance.


    Times and Location for lectures:

    Thursdays at 12:15-14:00 in: L1 - 241, Puunjalostustekniikka 1

    Fridays at 10:15-12:00 in: L1 - 241, Puunjalostustekniikka 1

    In the course you will learn how different cells can be converted into Cell Factories that are able to biosynthesize various products.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      File icon
      Course overview File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      File icon
      Access to the Molecular biotechnology book File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      Final Grades after 23-February Exam File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      Final grades after retake File PDF