Topic outline

  • Course schedule and content

    Schedule at glance

    Course content

    1. Lignocellulose raw materials and sources; availability of wood globally and in Finland; wood structure
    2. Lignocellulose pretreatment methods; wood chip impregnation
    3. Fractionation technology and chemistry: main emphasis on kraft pulping but acid sulfite and organosolv pulping will be overviewed
    4. Oxygen delignification and bleaching technology and chemistry
    5. Fundamentals of chemical recovery and energy processes
    6. Environmental regulation; effluents, emissions
    7. Pulp properties
    8. Cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, extractives applications
    9. Simulation exercises (Matlab)

    The course includes an exam. See "assessment" tab.

    Teachers lecturing: Tiina Nypelö, Huy Quang Le, Jinze Dou, Michael Hummel, Tapani Vuorinen
    Exercises taught by:
    Kaarlo Nieminen

    Summary of course feedback

    Summary of course feedback together with teacher's counterfeedback can be found here (2023); for 2022 the summary is here.