AXM-E0301 - Art + Media Studio, Lecture, 28.2.2024-31.5.2024
This course space end date is set to 31.05.2024 Search Courses: AXM-E0301
Topic outline
Maximum amount of students
16 (Students from the Visual Communication Design major and the Information Design minor have priority in registering to this group)
VCD Studio: Information Design
The course introduces a wide variety of ways Information Design approaches, methods, and tools to achieve information design for a specific context. It covers aspects of understanding data, learning various methods of data collection, structuring data, and visualizing data to make meaning in a context. This course will introduce a wide variety of information design applications and prepare students to critically analyze and create Information Design and data visualizations.
Teacher: Rupesh Vyas
Period IV
Period IV starts with joint lectures/sessions together with all of the groups.
- Wed 28.2.2024 | 13:15-17 Joint lecture. See the content from the General page.
- Wed 6.3.2024 | Joint lecture. See the content from the General page.
- Wed 13.3.2024 | Joint lecture. See the content from the General page.
- Wed 20.03.2023 13:15-15
- Setting the Scene for Information Design Studio
- (A2 - A215, Kandidaattikeskus)
- Wed, 27.3.2024 | 13:15-15
- Lecture 1: Why Information Design? Approach and Factors
- Assignment 1.1 Ideation with Factors
- (A2 - A215, Kandidaattikeskus)
- Wed 10.4.2024 | Discussions and Brainstorming Project topics with Peers
- (A2 - A215, Kandidaattikeskus)
Period V
- Wed 24.04. | 09:15-17:00 | Lecture 2: Conceptual Information Design
- Assignment 1.2 Maps, Places, and Spaces
- Presentation of Project Ideas to Peers and discussions
- Thu 25.04. | Independent / Group Work
- Fri 26.04. | 09:15-17:00 |
- Lecture 3: Visualization Principles and Narrative Structures in Information Design
- Assignment 2.1
- Presentation of Assignment 1.2
- Guest Lecture: Cognitive Biases in Information Design
- Wed 01.05. | 09:15-17:00 | Vappu, no class
- Thu 02.05. | CLINIC: Python for Data wrangling
- Fri 03.05. | 09:15-17:00 | Lecture 4: Experiential Visualisation and Sketching with Data
- Assignment 2.2
- Presentation of Assignment 2.1
- Wed 08.05. | 09:15-17:00 | CLINIC: Python
- Fri 10.05. |09:15-17:00 |
- Lecture 5: 09:15-10:15 Physicalization of Information
- Assignment 2.3
- Lecture 6: 10:30-11:30 Statistical Graphics and Visual Analysis
Assignment 3.1
Guest Lecture: Philosophy and Information Design
- Individual tutoring/ Work on your project
- Wed 15.05. |09:15-17:00 | Individual tutoring/ Work on your project
- Presentation of Assignment 2.2
- Thu 16.05. | Independent / Group Work/
- Fri 17.05. 09:15-17:00 | User study, Contextual inquiry Information Architecture, Interface Design (Figma Sketching)
- Individual tutoring/ Work on your project
- Wed 22.05. | 09:15-17:00 | Work on your project
- Thu 23.05. | Independent / Group Work
- Fri 24.05. | 09:15-17:00 Work on your project
- Wed 29.05. | Work on your project
- Thu 30.05. | Work on the Documentation and Exhibition Setup
- Fri 31.05. | Exhibition Opening
Where: Kipsaari Lobby/
When: TBAGrading:
The course consists of lectures, in-class exercises, learning assignments, a course journal, and a final project which will be presented during the last session. The final grade is calculated based on the student’s performance in all of these areas and their overall participation in the course, in the following way:
20% Contributions to in-class discussions and group work
This grade is determined by the teachers based on whether the student:
– Attends all classes and arrives on time.
– Does all required in-class assignments.
– Demonstrates knowledge of course content.
– Contributes to class discussion with thoughtful questions, comments, and examples.
– Is attentive and participates actively in class activities.
– Respects, listens and supports classmates.
– Gives constructive feedback and takes others’ feedback into account.
20% Course Journal
– Critically reflects on the course content and the student's learnings
– Documents inspiration, ideation, and iterative processes of the final project
– Format is appropriate and readable
20% Learning Assignments
40% Main course Project
Identifies an Information design impact on society and discusses the topic critically.
Builds on discussions from the course.
Includes your research on the topic.
Presents a creative, thought-provoking exploration of the topic.
The narrative and visual style is appropriate in conveying the content.
Effective use of information design, Data visualization, and narrative structures.
The overall project reflects course learning about information design.
Meets deadlines.
Participates in in-class project work.
Creates concept notes to collaborate and build ideas.
Bring drafts to class for discussion.
Takes feedback into account
Submit the presentation for grading.
Information Design Studio Discord URL
Miro URL
Announcements Forum
Class on Wednesday 10.04 in Room R113 Projekti M, Väre
01_S.ID_Why Information design_ File PDF
02_S.ID_Conceptual visualization. Folder
03_S.ID_Visual Storytelling Folder
04_S.ID_Experiential Visualisation Folder
05_S.ID_Tangible Data Folder
06_S.ID_Statistical Graphics Folder
Assignment - Statistical Graphs and Visual Analysis Folder