AXM-C0101 - Illustration Studio, Lecture, 3.10.2023-2.11.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 02.11.2023 Etsi kursseja: AXM-C0101
Osion kuvaus
Assignment 1 (first sketches) Tehtävä
Hey group, here is the text for the first assignment (attachment).
For next time: Read the text thoroughly (I usually read it a couple of times with thought). Then sketch 1 hero and two vignettes using two different styles / approaches. So all together I want to see at least 6 sketches (2 hero illustrations and 4 vignettes).
Thank you and see you on Thursday.
Tuesday 24.10 Lecture and Assignment 2 Tehtävä
Tomorrows Schedule (31.10.23) Tehtävä
Tomorrow schedule (02.11.) Tehtävä