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      Mick Hurbis-Cherrier : Voice & Vision 

      Saatavilla Aallon oppimiskeskuksessa e-kirjana kahdella eri e-kirja-alustalla. 

      Proquestin alustalla yhtäaikainen käyttö on rajattu kolmeen (3) yhtäaikaiseen käyttäjään. 

      O'Reilly Online Learning -alustalla kirjaan on rajaton yhtäaikainen käyttömahdollisuus. O'Reillyn alustan käyttö edellyttää tunnistautumista/rekisteröitymistä palveluun Aalto-yliopiston sähköpostiosoitteella.

      Linkki Primossa:,contains,Voice%20%26%20Vision&offset=0

      Table of contents


      Companion Website Contents



      What’s New in the Third Edition


      Part I – Developing Your Film on Paper

      Chapter 1 – From Idea to Cinematic Story

      Chapter 2 – The Screenplay

      Chapter 3 – The Visual Language and Aesthetics of Cinema

      Chapter 4 – Organizing Cinematic Time and Space

      Chapter 5 – From Screenplay to Visual Plan


      Part II – Preparing for Production

      Chapter 6 – Preparing for Production

      Chapter 7 – The Cast and Crew


      Part III – Tools and Techniques: Production

      Chapter 8 – The Digital Video System

      Chapter 9 – The Digital Video Camera

      Chapter 10 – The Camera Lens

      Chapter 11 – Camera Support

      Chapter 12 – Basics of Exposure

      Chapter 13 – Basics of Light and Lighting

      Chapter 14 – Lighting and Exposure: Beyond the Basics

      Chapter 15 – Sound for Production

      Chapter 16 – Location Sound Techniques

      Chapter 17 – On-Set Procedures

      Chapter 18 – Set Etiquette and Production Safety


      Part IV – Tools and Techniques: Postproduction

      Chapter 19 – Postproduction Overview: Workflow and The Editing Stages

      Chapter 20 – Digital Editing Fundamentals

      Chapter 21 – The Art and Technique of Editing

      Chapter 22 – The Sound Design in Film

      Chapter 23 – Cutting Sound and Working with Multiple Tracks

      Chapter 24 – Grading, Mastering, and Distribution


      Recommended Readings

      Recommended Filmmaking Apps for Mobile Devices



      Photo and Illustration Credits


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