ELO-E1015 - Wellbeing at Work, Lecture, 16.10.2023-20.10.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 20.10.2023 Etsi kursseja: ELO-E1015
Osion kuvaus
The aim of the Wellbeing at Work course is to get to know the basics of the labor protection law and to acquire an understanding of what mental and physical wellbeing at work means in the field of film and television. The student will get tools for maintaining wellbeing in the workplace as a leader or a member of a team. Also, best practices for freelancers in creative professions will be discussed.
The course programme includes three lectures, a group assignment based on reading materials and a day of groupwork presentations.
Monday Oct. 16th , F102, Väre
9.30 – 10.00 Introduction, groups & the assignment
10.00 – 12.00 Lecture
- Workplace safety in film and television production, specialist Päivi Rauramo, Specialist at The Centre for Occupational Safety
12.00 – 12.30 Lecture
- Presentation of the Equality Tool, Eeva-Sofia Anttonen, executive director at Women in Film and Television Finland WIFT
Afternoon: Groupwork
Tuesday Oct. 17th , F102, Väre
9.30 – 12 Lecture
- Equality, diversity & inclusion; Ida Salin, Equality, diversity and inclusion officer and Tiina Pylkkönen, specialist of Oasis of Radical Wellbeing at Aalto
Afternoon: Groupwork
Wednesday Oct. 18th , F101, Väre
9.30 – 11.30 Lecture
- Wellbeing for creatives, Merita Petäjä, psychologist, Project Manager of Oasis of Radical Wellbeing at Aalto
Afternoon: Groupwork
Thursday Oct. 19th
ELO Pitch day
Friday Oct. 20th, F102, Väre
10.00 – 16.00 Groupwork presentations & Discussion
Compulsory reading materials of the course:
1. Elokuva- ja TV-tuotantoalan työsuojeluopas/Occupational health and safety in the film and TV production industry
2. Ohjeistus seksuaalisen häirinnän ehkäisyyn elokuva- ja tv-alalla/Guidelines for the prevention of sexual harassment in the film and television industries/ Anvisning för förebyggandet av sexuell trakasseri inom film- och TV-branschen
3. Who Cares? The Media Industry’s Culture of Carelessness
4. Ohjeistus intiimikohtausten tekemiseen kameratyöskentelyssä/Guidelines for doing intimate scenes in camera work/ Riktlinjer for intima scener i kamera-arbetet
If you are interested there are also some additional materials in the MyCourses materials section
Equality, diversity & inclusion lecture materials Tiedosto PDF
Self care materials Tiedosto PDF