AXM-E5004 - Game Project II, Lecture, 11.1.2024-30.5.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 30.05.2024 Etsi kursseja: AXM-E5004
Osion kuvaus
Course schedule
11.1. Kick-off and lecture on SCRUM by Henna Tuunainen
18.1. Pitching & group forming
15.2. Zimmerman workshop break?
19.2.-23.2. Workshop week (project intensive if the groups choose so, but no Thursday session)
First playable milestone
Some visitors like Suvi Latva x 2
Henna Tuunainen's production clinic visit
Company feedback excursion
15.4.-19.4. Workshop week (project intensive if the groups choose unless there's a last minute game workshop! But no Thursday session)
Bit1 student game competition deadlines (PreBits and possible finals) ?
16.5. Deadline for game + trailer
21.5.-24.5. Nordic Game Conference
Start of June? Demo Day (games should be shown here)