AXM-E2004 - Introduction to Information Design, Lecture, 7.9.2023-12.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 12.10.2023 Search Courses: AXM-E2004
Code: AXM-E2004
Credits: 3 ECTSLevel: Advanced
Department: Art and Media, Major: Visual Communication Design, Minor: Information Design
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degreeInstructors
Juuso Koponen
+358 40 568 0558
Jonatan Hildén
+358 50 341 0461
Course in-charge:
Rupesh Vyas
Thu 7.9. Introduction to information design
Assignment 1
Thu 14.9. Information design tools & data sources
Assignment 1 review
Assignment 2
Thu 21.9. Perception
Thu 28.9. Information design genres
Thu 5.10. Tutored work on Assignment 2
Thu 12.10. A final critique of Assignment 2
The course consists of lectures and assignments and a final project which will be presented during the last session. The final grade is assigned based on the student’s performance in all of these areas and their overall participation in the course, in the following way:20% Contributions to in-class discussions and Individual/group work
This grade is determined by the teachers based on whether the student:– Attends all classes and arrives on time. (Successful completion will require that the student is in attendance for at least 80% of the course.)
– Does all required in-class assignments.
– Demonstrates knowledge of course content.
– Contributes to class discussion with thoughtful questions, comments, and examples.
– Is attentive and participates actively in class activities.
– Respects, listens and supports classmates.
– Gives constructive feedback and takes others’ feedback into account.30% Assignment
50% The Course project
Identifies a focus of information design on a community, and discusses the topic critically.
Builds on discussions from the course.
Includes your own research on the topic.
Presents a creative, thought-provoking exploration of the topic.
The information visualization is appropriate for conveying the content.
Effective use of visualization and supporting text.
The layout reflects course learning about information design.
Meets deadlines.
Participates in in-class project work.
Bring drafts and concept notes to class for discussion.
Takes feedback into account
Submits a presentation with visualization for grading.All assignments will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5:
1 = Poor
2 = Satisfactory
3 = Good
4 = Very good
5 = ExcellentSuggested data sources
- World Bank open data
- OECD open data
- Eurostat
- Nordic Statistics open database
- Statistics Finland open database
- FAO open data on food production
- WHO open data on health
- UNHCR population statistics, refugee data, etc.
-, base map data
Suggested Courses for Information Design Minor:
AXM-E2006 - Design and Data, Lecture, 12.1.2023-17.2.2023
AXM-E0301 - Art + Media Studio, Lecture, 1.3.2023-2.6.2023
Additional Suggested Courses:AXM-E2002 - Creative computation for Visual Communication, Lecture, 25.10.2022-1.12.2022
AXM-E2007 - Design for Motion, Lecture, 28.2.2023-4.4.2023-
Google Drive for sharing assignments with everyone in the class: Mapp
Lecture slides