
  • To pass the course, students need to complete the given assignments (see below), actively participate in class – 80% attendance is required, create a concept and an early prototype, and document their progress in a report. In the project phase the groups keep a diary of the tutoring meetings where they present their progress to the tutors. Grades will be based on the successful completion of the steps, the quality of the report and other written assignments, and the design outcome. More detailed requirements for each milestone are provided below.

    We definitely encourage you to submit the assignments in time, so after the deadline each day will earn you a minus point for the grade of the particular deliverable. If there is a force majeure contact us in advance and not after the deadline.

    Guidelines for the use of generative AI in course work

    On top of the guidelines by Aalto on the use of generative AI, these are the limitations for their use on this course:

    • If you use generative AI tools in the course work, you are required to describe the scope and the process of that use in the work documentation presented to the teacher and to other participants. That includes inputs, iterations and possible dead ends as well. Generative AI is a tool, not a magic lamp.

    • If using large language models for sourcing information you will work and develop on, you need to check the key information in those answers against other reliable sources and describe that verification process in the work documentation. Language models are know to confabulate, so they cannot be trusted. Checking their reliability is part of the process of using them responsibly.

    • You cannot input sensitive data such as personally identifiable information into online generative AI services. This includes your personal data, data about your team members, or data about your test subjects. This information is protected in EU under GDPR and data protection laws and regulations. Publicly available data is ok, but check with us first.

    Other than that, have fun and I’d love to see what you come up with! Additional tips for the use of AI from Aalto here.

    Benchmarking Report (DL 24.1.)

    • A report documenting 3–4 cases you benchmarked.
    • Benchmarking is essentially comparison of comparable performance – cases need to have some equally measurable qualities for comparison to work!
    • Start with a one-paragraph Summary – it contains your findings in a nutshell.
    • Use screenshots and photos (where applicable) to illustrate the discussion.
    • Recommended maximum length: 5–6 pages.
    • Graded 0–5 based on the quality of writing, structure, choice and analysis of the cases, argumentation, and results that support the following stages
    • Submitted as a PDF through MyCourses, see below
    • Deadline: January 24 at 23:59

    Idea Presentation (DL 31.1.)

    • A presentation about your project idea to other groups: what is it, why would it be worth pursuing?
    • Maximum duration: 10 minutes + 10 for discussion (rehearse the timings!)
    • Graded 0–5 based on the quality of presentation, insight, relevance of the topic, argumentation that supports the idea, use of examples, and structure. Do not go into overtime.
    • Deadline: January 31st.
    • Submit your slides the evening before the presentation.

    Mid-project Presentation (DL 20.2.)

    • Presentation on your groupwork idea on Wednesday 21st of February.
    • Maximum duration: 15 minutes + 10 for discussion (rehearse the timings!)
    • What is your project all about? Why is it important? Who is your target audience? How do you pursue your goals? What is the expected outcome?
    • You can use material from the idea presentation, diffusion essay and benchmarking
    • Graded 0–10 based on the quality of presentation, use of examples, viability of the proposal, argumentation, and structure. Do not go into overtime.
    • Deadline: slides to be submitted on the evening before, February 20st, 23:59.

    Final Presentation (DL 11.4.)

    • Presentation of the final work you did, be it a prototype, well-developed concept or something else
    • Maximum duration: 15 minutes + 10 for discussion (rehearse the timings!)
    • Focus on your process and progress, present concrete steps and outcomes
    • Dare to show dead ends and discarded ideas too
    • Graded 0–10 based on the quality of presentation, structure, outcome of the project (quality, extent, relevance), and discussion of your design process. Again, do not go into overtime.
    • Deadline: April 11th, slides to be submitted the evening before.

    Project Report (DL 18.4.)

    • Recommended length: 6 pages + 2 pages of appendices.
    • Include in the report at least a description of your concept, your progress, the outcome, testing results, your own reflection on the shortcomings and merits of the project, and future development ideas
    • Again, start with a one-paragraph summary that crystallizes your concept, main findings and next steps
    • Use visual material such as mockups, sketches and screenshots
    • Graded 0–10 based on the quality of writing, structure, documentation of your progress, argumentation, and in particular reflection – honest assessment of the merits and shortcomings of your work
    • Deadline: April 18th 10:00.


    • 20–23: 1 (passable)
    • 24–27: 2 (satisfactory)
    • 28–31: 3 (good)
    • 32–35: 4 (very good)
    • 36–40: 5 (excellent)

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Presentation of the final work you did, be it a prototype, well-developed concept or something else. Maximum duration: 15 minutes + 10 for discussion (rehearse the timings!)

      Focus on your process and progress, present concrete steps and outcomes. Dare to show dead ends and discarded ideas too.

      Graded 0–10 based on:
      • the quality of presentation, 
      • structure, 
      • outcome of the project:
        • quality, 
        • extent, 
        • relevance
      • discussion of your design process. 

      Points can be deducted for going overtime.

      Upload your final presentation slides in PDF format here, containing any possible external links to, for example, video materials, by 10:00 April 11th. If you use video, remember to check that the audio is set loud enough because lecture hall A208d Jeti does not have adjustable amplification!

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Upload your final report here in PDF format.

      • Maximum length 6 pages, including images, references + 2 pages of appendices.
      • Include in the report at least: 

        • a description of your concept, 

        • your progress, 

        • the outcome, 

        • testing results, 

        • your own reflection on the shortcomings and merits of the project, and 

        • future development ideas

      • Again, start with a one-paragraph summary that crystallizes your concept, main findings and next steps.

      • Use visual material such as mockups, sketches and screenshots.

      Graded 0–10 based on the 

      • quality of writing, 

      • structure, 

      • documentation of your progress, 

      • argumentation, and 

      • in particular reflection – honest assessment of the merits and shortcomings of your work

      • Deadline April 18th at 10:00.