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    Welcome to Design Impact III!

    The teaching team, Namkyu Chun, Tarja Nieminen and Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä, warmly welcomes you to join this last Design Impact course of your bachelor's studies at Aalto ARTS! 


    Useful Info  

    - Remote participation in Period III-IV (if you can't join on-campus): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/68559032120 (Meeting ID: 685 5903 2120)

    - Course Presemo (used throughout the course): https://presemo.aalto.fi/DesignImpact3/

    - Responsible teachers' email addresses: namkyu.chun(a)aalto.fi, tarja.nieminen(a)aalto.fi, hanna-kaarina.heikkila(a)aalto.fi

    - Individual final deliverable: (1) A video that displays a professional narrative as designer (max 5 mins) and (2) artefacts that support the narrative (from relevant projects).

    - Course outcome: An exhibition within the joint final event with Design Impact I and II. 

    - Assessment: Based on the process (your engagement throughout the course), especially presentations, rather than the final deliverables. Criteria include: Reflection (how you connect back to your learning experiences from this study programme to construct your professional narrative), Progress (how your narrative has improved based on the feedback given at previous presentations / tutorials); Communication (how your professional narrative and provided examples/projects are coherently and effectively presented)

    Course Schedule

    course schedule