Osion kuvaus

  • Course Intro and Schedule

    The Strategic Identity & Design course provides students a platform to learn about branding, identity creation and the strategic role design can play in such development processes. Special emphasis is placed on the expressive nature of design and the role of designers in shaping and materializing the identity of a brand.

    The teams for the project will be settled during the first day of the course. Each team will have two members responsible for Packaging design, Surface design and Typography. The responsible persons for each aspects get training on the subject in a tailored track throughout the course. 

    All students in the course are asked in advance to select which one of the tracks would be their first and second options, and students are divided in tracks based on this. Teams are divided based on the track enrollment. 

    • WEEK 1

      MONDAY 8.1. 13.15-17.00 - COURSE INTRODUCTION AND ASSIGNMENT - A1 A123,  Otakaari 1

      13.15-14.30 Peter Mc Grory, Maija Fagerlund, Markus Joutsela: Course Intro - schedule, assignment and teams.
      14.45-15.30 Peter Mc Grory: What is a brand for and for whom? and why is it relevant to design? Building Brand Identity, Branding Platform Types, Xiaomi and Muji Hotels cases
      15.45-16.30 Markus Joutsela: Introduction to selecting brands, concept presentation instructions, examples from previous year courses
      16.30-17.00 Group work: Team agreement, Peer evaluation criteria, Markus

      Homework: Selecting the brand and background research

      THURSDAY 11.1. 9.15-17.00 - LECTURES AND BRAND CHECK - R1 160a, Rakentajanaukio 4

      13.15-14.30 Heidi Paavilainen: Introduction to working with trends
      14.30-17.00 Team work: Background research on the case brand, Trend task from Heidi Paavilainen
      15.15-17.00 Checking the brands, Markus Joutsela, Maija Fagerlund, Peter Mc Grory

      Homework: Background research on the case brand, Trend task from Heidi Paavilainen: Instructions

      WEEK 2

      MONDAY 15.1. 13.15-17.00 - TREND WORKSHOP - ZOOM

      13.15-13.30 Heidi Paavilainen: Instructions to Trend Workshop. Link to Zoom
      13.30-15.30 Team work and coffee break.
      15.30-16.30 Presentations and comments, Heidi Paavilainen and Maija Fagerlund
      16.30-16.45 Maija Fagerlund: Intro to colour palette task

      Homework: Develop the concept, colour palette task from Maija: Instructions and submission box

      THURSDAY 18.1. 9.15-17.00 - LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS - R1 160a, Rakentajanaukio 4

      9.15-11.00 Jeremiah Tesolin: Lecture: an In-house perspective on branding.
      11.15-12.00 Jeremiah Tesolin: storytelling workshop on a future press release.
      13.15-15.00 Peter Mc Grory: Intro for an integrated platform approach to strategic identity & design. Designing Strategy _ A Plan is Not a Strategy _ Roger Martin
      15.15-15.45 Maija Fagerlund: Lecture: mood boards and colour palettes
      16.00-17.00 Team work: mood boards and colour palettes

      Homework: Storytelling task from Jeremiah (to be included in concept presentation, no separate submission), Developing the concept for the final concept presentation session, prepare for the round table discussion "test"


      9.15-10.00 Markus Joutsela: Intro to principles of packaging in branding, A1 A123, Otakaari 1
      10.15-11.00 Teo Tuominen: Intro to principles of typography in branding

      13.15-17.00 Track start - see track schedules - M101, R102, Y338

      Homework: Prepare for the concept presentation and for the round table discussion "test" - See also track pages for track specific homework

      WEEK 3

      MONDAY 22.1. 12.40-17.00 - ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION 'TEST' - F201, Väre


      Also new room for meetings with Peter: R103

      Homework: Prepare for the concept presentation.


      9.00-12.30 Concept presentations, A1 A123, Otakaari 1
      Peter Mc Grory, Markus Joutsela, Maija Fagerlund, Teo Tuominen, Sanna Palmu
      (preliminary) presentation slide decks should be submitted one day prior to the concept presentation
      9.00 Team 7; 9.15 Team 8; 9.30 Team 9; 9.45 Team 10; 10.00 Team 11; 10.15 Team 12; 10.30 Team 13; 11.00 Team 1; 11.15 Team 2; 11.30 Team 3; 11.45 Team 4; 12.00 Team 5; 12.15 Team 6

      13.30-17.00 Tracks - see track schedules - M101, R102, Y338

      Homework: - see track pages.

      WEEK 4

      MONDAY 29.1. 13.15-17.00 - TEAMWORK

      Teamwork - Combining all visual elements together and selecting the most potential solution.
      Classrooms R107 (Väre, not computer class) and A046 (Otakaari 1, computer class) are booked for teamwork


      9.00 - 14.10 Tutoring and team work: Integrating all visual elements into the packaging, testing and working with the design, Peter Mc Grory, Markus Joutsela, Maija Fagerlund, Teo Tuominen, Sanna Palmu

      Tutoring in Zoom: Link to Zoom

      Tutoring schedule: 9.00 Team 13; 9.20 Team 12; 9.40 Team 11; 10.00 Team 10; 10.20 Team 9; 10.40 Team 8; 11.00 Team 7; 11.20 Team 6; 11.40 Team 5; 12.50 Team 4; 13.10 Team 3; 13.30 Team 2; 13.50 Team 1

      14.15 - 17 Tracks - see track schedules

      Homework: Finalize the package and graphics with the whole team.

      WEEK 5


      Anssi Ahonen: Tutoring in product visualization & rendering, M101, Väre:

      13-13.30 Team 4 + Team 5
      13.30-14 Team 2 + Team 6 + Team 1
      14.30-15 Team 3 + Team 8 + Team 9
      15-15.30 Team 11 + Team 12 + Team 10
      16-16.30 Team 7 + Team 13

      12.40-17.00 Peter McGrory: Round table discussion 'test', R103, Väre
      Schedule for teams:
      12.40 Team 1; 13.00 Team 2; 13.20 Team 3; 13.40 Team 4; 14.00 Team 5; 14.20 Team 6; 14.40 Team 7; 15.00 Team 8; 15.20 Team 9; 15.40 Team 10; 16.00 Team 11; 16.20 Team 12; 16.40 Team 13

      Classroom U257 is booked 13.15-17.00 for teamwork


      9.15 - 11 File check and print permission, Zoom. Link to Zoom

      Each team will present their print files in Zoom, and Markus and Sanna will check them and give print permission if everything is OK, or tell you to make corrections if not. We will start with Team 1 at 9.15, but all teams should join the Zoom to see the files and listen the feedback, as most often several teams have similar things to fix in their files. We will check the files in team order, but without a preassigned schedule - in most cases the file check would take approx 5-15 min / team.

      Classrooms M101, R102 and Y338 are booked for us for the whole day, so you might work and join the zoom from one of these classrooms. You can also work somewhere else if you prefer. After you have got the print permission, you can go to Printlab to print. If there´s long queue for printing, you might also do some test cutting with Zund plotter while waiting.

      Workshop master Eila Hietanen will help you with printing and Sari Kivioja with the Zund plotter. You will assemble your printed, cut, and creased sheets yourself and display them together with your presentation at the final critique.

      WEEK 6


      13.15-17.00 Final packaging design printing in PrintLab. Workshop master Eila Hietanen will help you with printing and Sari Kivioja with the Zund plotter. You will assemble your printed, cut, and creased sheets yourself and display them together with your presentation at the final critique.

      13.15-17.00 Anssi Ahonen: Tutoring in product visualization & rendering, M101, Väre

      NOTE: If your team is printing on Monday, some members of your team can take part in tutoring while the rest of you are printing and cutting

      Note: also classroom R102 is booked 13.15-17, and you might work also there with visualization

      Homework: Prepare the final presentation.

      FRIDAY 16.2. 9.15-13.00 - FINAL CRITIQUE - F102, Väre

      Final critique as a gallery walk / fair; Peter Mc Grory, Markus Joutsela, Maija Fagerlund, Teo Tuominen, Sanna Palmu

      WEEK 7

      Remember to make and submit the Report of individual design contribution