Osion kuvaus

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      During the course students write a learning diary. The learning diary consists of reflections on weekly readings, lecture contents, and also on your project work progress. The outcome is a complete and finalised document as PDF.

      Learning diary (max.10 pages with 2500-4000 words):
      For each week, write: 
      - A brief summary of the readings and reflection on selected topics
      - Reflect on the session: What was most interesting?
      - Project work: How was it progressing? Challenges, reflection?
      - You may add illustrations/images
      - Essay-type text, but in academic form (e.g. reference list)

      Add short introduction on your motivations and yourself as a sustainable designer. At the end, summarise your learnings for the course as a whole. Reflect and refine the text as a whole, as besides group work it forms the main component of grading.

      Deadline for upload is on Monday 26.2.!

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      Groups present their project work ideas on Thursday 25.1.

      Idea presentation format:

      • The format is a limited amount of slides (PPT or similar) supported with presentation talk; You may have only some people or then everyone speaking
      • Each team has 15-minute slot including feedback, so the presentation needs to be pitch-like (less than 10 min, preferably ~7 minutes max.)
      • In your presentation, briefly discuss your interpretation of the theme and challenge, and idea(s) that you’d take forward; You may focus on a single idea or introduce a few for comments
      • When discussing concept ideas, reflect on why they are fitting for the challenge, to whom they are targeted, and how they contribute to sustainability
      • Upload presentation slides to MyCourses assignment-box by Thursday session!
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      During the last week the groups present their results in a shared presentation session (Tue 13.2.). 

      Upload your final presentation materials here before presentation session. The format is free (PPT, video + talk, combination) and each team has a 20-minute slot to use, for example with 10 to max. 15 min presentation followed by 5–10 minutes of feedback.

      Final presentation should cover: 

      • Original brief and research, its potential challenges and iteration
      • Initial ideation and research, potential redirections
      • Description of process, reflection on your selected DfS approach
      • Stakeholder interaction (implemented & envisioned activities)
      • Outcomes (depending on output, PSS & stakeholder maps, story boards, communication materials, timelines & agendas)
      • Reflection on the process 
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      As a part of the project work, besides presentations you produce a project report as a group. The report is in a way an expanded version of the final presentation, and could even be based on the same layout, but should include more details as a text.

      The project report should cover: 

      • Original focus theme and research, its potential challenges and iteration
      • Initial ideation and its results; potential redirection of work
      • Description of process, reflection on your selected DfS approach
      • Stakeholder interaction (implemented & envisioned activities)
      • Outcomes (could be visualisation of space, draft of a materials package, service blueprint, PSS description, transition agenda, depending on the final orientation)
      • Reflection on your process and outcomes

      The format is a PDF slide-set with possible additional materials (videos, visual communication materials, toolkits, product or website mock-ups), and although the length is not defined, it is expected to cover the above aspects in detail rather than in just few bullet points. For example, it could be some 15-25 pages including plenty of visual materials also (translating to perhaps 2500-4000 words of text).

      Refine your report into a finalised whole, as besides presentations it forms the main component of your project work grade (which accounts for 50% of the overall grade).

      Deadline for upload is on Tuesday 20.2.!