MUO-E1071 - Sustainable Fashion and Textile Design , Lecture, 5.9.2023-19.10.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 19.10.2023 Etsi kursseja: MUO-E1071
Osion kuvaus
Session 9:
Tuesday 3.10 9:15 - 16:30 lecture hall F239a, Health Technology House, Otakaari 3
Session 10:
Thursday 5.10 9:15 - 16:30 online: Passcode: 381559
Independent tasks this week:
- Reading tasks for sessions
- Learning log 5 (DL 6.10) Note! If you are doing 9 credits and this is your last learning log, return here: and see specific instructions
Learning Log (DL Friday 5.10) Tehtävä
Reading Tasks Week 5 Kansio
Session 3.10 Kansio