MUO-E1071 - Sustainable Fashion and Textile Design , Lecture, 5.9.2023-19.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 19.10.2023 Search Courses: MUO-E1071
Welcome to Sustainable Fashion and Textile Design 2023!
The course begins on Tuesday 5.9 at 9:15 at lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, Undergraduate Center
The lecture sessions of this course are Tuesdays 09:15-16:30 on campus at lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, Undergraduate Center and Thursdays 09:15- 16:30 online via Zoom.
Join each Thursday with this link, using the passcode below:
Meeting ID: 643 2463 8644
Passcode: 381559
We look forward to learning with you!
teacher in charge: Kirsi Niinimäki
teaching assistant: Aino Korhonen