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      Drop your week 1 presentation in this submission box.

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      Submit the slides about the Monday's presentation here.

      Delayed submission penalty: A delayed submission after the deadline can have an effect on the group project grading from weeks 1-3. The effect depends on the amount of delay.

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      The instructions for the Individual Reflection are in the message that Andrés sent on Monday (also visible in Announcements).

      The grading of the Reflection is -, 0 or + (deficiente, regular, excelente), as was explained in the Week 1 introduction slides's grading details.

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      • Part 1: Use scenario(s) and UX goal(s)
      • Part 2: Wireflows for Designs A and B
      • Part 3: Design system

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      We ask you to reflect on a design problem within your group project which you personally contributed to during weeks 4-6. Also this time the submission must fit in 1 page (A4): max 1 /4 page of image + max 3/4 pages of text.

      Write about these issues:

      • Describe the design problem and how it related to your group's work. The design problem can be, for example, a need to design an interface element that meets certain UX goals, a challenge in choosing the right design solution or research among many possibilities, or a dilemma where a satisfactory solution was not easy to find. Try to identify a design problem that had an important impact in your group's design or project. Alternatively, the design problem can be a teamwork orchestration challenge: how some activity is best to organise in the group's design work.
      • How did you personally work on that problem. Present contents about your own work as illustrations from that week. How did you analyse the problem? What solutions did you consider? What was your solution? If you worked with a team member else on solving that problem, what did you bring into that collaboration?
      • Your reflection about the solution. Were you satisfied with the solution? How did it fit to the group's overall work, or what effect did it have in the overall design? Could something have been done differently, now when you analyse this problem and your solution again?

      Remember to engage in reflection instead of only writing a report on what you did in the project. Write about something where you personally were an active member and about which you can present your own opinions about the solution's success.

      based on the insightfulness of your reflections you'll get an indication towards a possible final grade raise (+1 or "excelente"), a normal grade (0 or "regular") or an indication towards a possible final grade decrease (-1 or "deficiente").

      Delayed or overly long submissions: These submissions have fewer chances for earning an indication for a grade raise, and higher likelihood of getting a 0 or grade decrease.

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      The final project presentation.

      Contents: follow the instructions in the slides from 6th week Monday.

      Delayed submission penalty: A delayed submission after the deadline can have an effect on the group project grading from weeks 1-3. The effect depends on the amount of delay.