MUO-E1070 - PatternLab Project, Lecture, 27.2.2024-4.6.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 04.06.2024 Etsi kursseja: MUO-E1070
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Welcome to the PatternLab24 Project course (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Maarit Salolainen
Teachers: Maarit Salolainen, Nora Bremer
Teaching assistant: Juulia Jämsä (PatternLab23 alumni)
The project is managed through a shared Microsoft Teams group and Google Drive folder.
Account teams:
Yiwen & Rita - tunics
Erika & Pauliina - teens
Laura & Norma - babies
Titta & Mira - mini meChair & Vice Chair:
Ella & Ella
Due to the nature of the project, depending greatly on the schedules and decisions of our customer S-group, this schedule is tentative. The course meetings on campus (or Zoom) are on Tuesdays unless specified below. Changes to the programme/topics will be updated here as we move forward with the project and design work.WEEK 9 TUESDAY 27.2 all-day 9:15-17:00 9:15-10:30 Q203 General information, presenting and signing the PatternLab agreement /Maarit
10:45-11:30 PatternLab 23 and SOK / Juulia Jämsä
11:30-12:00 Discussion on roles / Maarit, Nora
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Moving to Ässäkeskus with public transportation
14-16 Design Brief meeting SOK & PatternLab24 / Anne Hagman and Milla Nordström S-group, Maarit, Nora
Place: SOK, Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta, Pääkonttori Ässäkeskus, Fleminginkatu 34
WEEK 10 TUESDAY 5.3. 13:15-17:00 Q203 Team meeting - Discussion on the roles, decisions on teams and roles
- Design ideation workshop. Bring min.7 design ideas according to the brief, each compiled on its own board. These should be uploaded to the google drive before the meeting. Nora will post some examples.
FRIDAY 8.3 Deadline for the presentation template / graphic team WEEK 11 Individual work and possible workshops and meetings in smaller groups
Tutoring of account teams with Maija / book slot in schedulerWEDNESDAY 13.3 P210
12-13 Account team tutoring with Maija, Erika and Pauliina
13-14 Account team tutoring with Maija, Titta and MiraFRIDAY 15.3 Deadline for uploading the filled-in presentation template to the account teams / all designers O203
14-15 Account team tutoring with Maija, Yiwen and Rita
15-16 Account team tutoring with Maija, Laura and NormaWEEK 12 TUESDAY 19.3 13:15-14:00 Q203
Team meeting and preparation for teen girls and mini-me teams / Nora + Teen girls + minimi team
14:00-15.30 customer meeting: teen girls + mini-me kids dress / first ideas / Teen girls and minime-team, Ella + Nora
15:30-17:00 recap meeting for all students/ NoraWEEK 13 TUESDAY 26.3 14-15:00 Q203
Pre-customer meeting preparation for Babies and tunics / Nora
15:00-17:00 Q203
15:00 customer meeting: Babies and tunics / first ideasTHURSDAY 28.3 11:00 / Teams
Customer meeting for Calendar towelWEEK 14 Easter holiday WEEK 15 TUESDAY 9.4 13:15-15:15 Q203
Team meeting with Maarit
We will discuss the situation with the account teams and the next steps to prepare for the mid-project meetings in week 17. Preparation work is needed on both the account teams' and designers' sides during weeks 15 and 16.THURSDAY 11.4. 13:15-17:00 O112
Colour workshopWEEK 16 TUESDAY 16.4. 9.15-17.00 M101
Pattern workshopWEEK 17 TUESDAY 23.4 all-day 9:15-17:00 9:30-10:30 Q103 Meeting with Maarit to prepare for the presentations
10.30-12 MID-meeting Teens, Mini-me
12-14 MID-meeting Tuniks, Baby
14-15:00 Team meeting with Maarit- Account teams present their status: sold designs
- Discussion on next steps
WEEK 18 TUESDAY 30.4 Optional tutoring by Nora. Contact Nora if you need help with your designs. WEEK 19 TUESDAY 7.5 Final decisions from S-group by 3.5!
9:15-17:00 F001 (the computer room is booked for the whole day)
Pattern finalising workshop with Nora (all day) and Maarit (afternoon)WEEK 20 TUESDAY 14.5 9:00-16:00 F001 (the computer room is booked for the whole day)
Additional Pattern finalising workshop with Nora (for the rest of the sold patterns)
Aim: all patterns and their information PDF's delivered to the customer in the Teams folderWEEK 21 TUESDAY 21.5 DEADLINE FOR PATTERNS
13:15-14:15 Q203
Team update with Maarit / tentative plan
Prints for S/S 25 ready!WEEK 22 TUESDAY 28.5 / tentative 15:15-16:30 Q203
Finalising the project, counting sales and preparing the invoice. Depending on the situation/status of the project, only Ellas, Paulina, Maarit and Julia need to attendWEEK 23 TUESDAY 4.6 14-14:30 Q102 FINAL TEAM MEETING with Nora and Maarit
14:30-16:00 SOK Team joining us - discussions on the project - kahvit ja pullat!!