
  • General Course Information

    • About the study area

      The study area for studio 1 in Autumn 2023 is the surroundings of Laajalahti bay, situated in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA), within the municipalities of Espoo and Helsinki. The Laajalahti bay area has not been considered as one single entity, which is manifested in the different treatment of land to water edges. Also, the boundary of this area - including the islands to the south - changes across the two municipalities, which are the administrative backdrop of this area.

      Getting to know the area starts with the two-day excursion on Thursday and Friday 7-8 September 2023. More information about the excursion is available in the brief under MyCourses ->Course material -> WEEK 36

    • Forum icon
      USP-E0304 Discussion Forum

      Course participants can use this forum to ask questions, share information, provide peer support throughout the semester. This forum is participant-led and course tutors will only add to it when needed.

      Course participants are highly encouraged to use it for discussions and supporting one another throughout the semester.