Topic outline

    • The weekly sessions are scheduled on Thursdays and here is how to plan your course-related time for each week:

      Aalto policy

      Period III

      Assignments are due on Wednesdays, while individual reflections and team logs are due on Fridays by 15.00 unless otherwise indicated.

      Period IV

      *Unless otherwise indicated

      Assignments are due on Wednesdays, while individual reflections and team logs are due on Fridays by 15.00 unless otherwise indicated.

      This is a 10 ECTS credit course, which is equivalent to 270 hours. The contact hours are 78. The total working hours outside the six-hour class sessions for the semester are 192 hours.

      A rough estimate is that on average a student will spend about 70 hours from the course on reading, 8 hours on individual reflections, and the rest working in the teams.