
  • Allmänt

    The autumn 2023 course has ended, and the first batch of course completions has been recorded in Sisu. Please check your class attendance and homework status, if you're missing your credits. Please feel free to contact me at anni.vartola@aalto.fi for any inquiries.

    In autumn 2023, the basic 6-credits version of this online course contained the following elements:

    • 7 Classes at Zoom including some mini-lectures, class exercises, and 5 talks by Visiting Scholars
    • 6 Quizzes related to research basics in our creative design fields
    • 3 homework assignments
    • 6 Book Reviews on pre-listed architectural research literature as group work:
      • 6 reading reports compiled by the Presenters
      • 6 group work reports by the group Leaders
      • 6 peer feedback discussions led by the Leaders.

    The adjusted, 3-credits programme for the Interior Architecture Students (3 cr) was:

    • 7 Classes at Zoom as above
    • Homework for the Classes as above
    • The Quizzes Q1–Q6 as above
    • 1 Architectural Research Book Review on Theme 3 as above.

    Our Visiting Scholars in the 2023 course edition were:

    • Architect Ellen Heikkilä (Master's Thesis)
    • Architects Kaisa Karvinen and Karita Rytivaara (Listening Practices: artistic research on architectural history) 
    • Dr Aleksi Lohtaja (Perspectives to architecture from social sciences)
    • Dr Hossam Hewidy (Doctoral Thesis) 
    • Dr Antti Pirinen, Lecturer (Interior Architecture and Design Research)


    Course Programme for Autumn 2023


    Course programme as a table