Topic outline

  • The coursework is graded from 1 to 5. The grade is based on weighted assessment of the quality of the Reading Reports (30%); the student’s self-evaluation (20%, scroll down for the Self-Evaluation Module, open between 29 May – 7 June); and the quality of the Final Presentation (50%); the peer review counts almost half of the quality assessment of the Final Presentation (the other half is based on the teacher's grading). The Reading Reports and the teacher's assessment of the Final Presentation will use the rubric below.

    The grading scale is 5 = mastery; 4 = proficient; 3 = convincing; 2 = developing; and 1 = beginning. The characterisations correspond with the highest level of competency i.e. 5 / mastery.

    On the graded components (Reading Reports + Final Presentation), the overall grade is calculated according to this division:
    1–5 points = 1
    6–10 points = 2
    11–15 points = 3
    16–20 points = 4
    21–25 points = 5

    Table of the assessment criteria.