ARK-E1030 - History of Architecture in Northern Europe, Lecture, 8.9.2023-8.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2023 Search Courses: ARK-E1030
Master level course Autumn period I and II 2023
Lectures (on Fridays 13–15 pm.) From 8. September to 8. December
Teacher: prof. Panu Savolainen and guest teachers
Welcome to learn and discuss about the long roots of Finnish and Northern European Architecture! The lecture course provides an introduction to the architecture of northern Europe and the relationships between architecture, landscape, resources and history. The course introduces to the history of architecture in Finland at nearby regions from the first prehistorical dwellings to the present.
The time-span of ten thousand years covers all ever used traditional building techniques in the remote North and an overview of the local and international influences in vernacular construction, architecture and town planning.
Learning outcomes: On completing the course students will be able to identify and describe the typical characteristics and building tasks of Northern architecture until the present and explain the historical development behind them. They will learn to analyze, gather information and observe the given examples and produce a written description about them.
Assessment: Attendance at the lectures and site visits and essay, grading 0–5.
Instructions to write the essay and additional information on assessment are in the section "Assignments".Programme (changes possible)
Friday, 8th September, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M205
Introduction (prof. Panu Savolainen)
Friday, 15th September, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M205
On the fringe of Europe: from prehistory to the middle ages (prof. Panu Savolainen)
Friday, 22th September, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M205
Middle Ages (prof. Panu Savolainen)
Friday, 29th September, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Architectural office Livady Hämeentie 10 C, Helsinki
“Costruire col paesaggio”: vernacular wooden architecture (arch. Netta Böök & arch. Marko Huttunen)
Friday, 6th October, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Architectural office Livady Hämeentie 10 C, Helsinki
Wooden church architecture and structures from middle ages till the early 19th century (arch. Netta Böök & arch. Marko Huttunen)
Friday, 13th October, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M205
Metropolis of the North: St. Petersburg (arch. Natalia Vladykina)
Friday, 27th October, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M134
Nordic wooden towns (prof. Panu Savolainen)
Friday, 3th November, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M134
19th century: Engel, urbanisation, historicism and jugend (arch. Netta Böök)
Friday, 10th November, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M134
Functionalism and the 1930s (Dr. Laura Berger)
Friday, 17th November, 13:15–15:00, lecture at Aalto University M134
Reconstruction and new generation: 1940s and the 1950s (Dr. Laura Berger)
Friday, 24th November, 13:15–15:00, site visit
Site visit to Seurasaari outdoor museum (prof. Panu Savolainen)
Friday, 1nst December, 13:15–15:00, lecture
Towards the end of the 20th century (lecturer tba)
Friday, 8th December, 13:15–15:00, lecture
The next 50 thousand years (prof. Panu Savolainen)