
  • General information

    Warmly welcome to the course Becoming a Creative Professional!

    This course will consist of:

    • 6 x 3 h on-campus lectures on Wednesday mornings
    • 4 assignments between lectures
    • alumni interview
    • self-reflection paper

    Completion methods:

    • Attendance at all the lectures (5 out of 6 compulsory)
    • Submitting all the assignments

    Workload (3 ECTS = 81 h)

    • Contact teaching: 6 x 3 h = 18 h + processing the new (0,5 x 18) =  27 h​
    • Orientation to the course, administrative work 6 h
    • Assignments 4 x 6 h = 24 h
    • Preparing for the interview 6 h
    • Interview 3 h
    • Presentation of the interview 6 h
    • Self-reflection paper 9 h

    You will find the materials of the lectures and possible some extra from the section Lectures and other materials. All the assignments with the instructions and submission boxes will be available in the section Assignments.