Osion kuvaus

  • This section has three parts:
    • Part 1: ABC of time management
    • Part 2: Well planned is half done
    • Part 3: Evaluating the schedule

    Joint workload is 10 hours.

    Complete the parts in numerical order. There are exercises you can do privately and don't need to submit. In addition there are three tasks in this assignment: 1) making a weekly schedule and following it, 2) discussing it with your home group and 3) evaluating the schedule. You need to submit your weekly plan and reflection to the box in the bottom of this page Assignment 3 Hand-in: Your plans and group reflection.

    After completing the assignments, you are free to use the extra material to further improve your time management skills. Material is done in cooperation with Aalto study psychologists.

    • Sivu icon

      You will need your computer (e.g. Google Jamboard) or pen and post-it notes/scrap paper to make notes for this exercise.

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      At this point you should have a preliminary plan for your week according to the ABC system, prioritizing your goals, broken into smaller tasks. In this part we will start to set those goals into your weekly plan.

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      Instructions and matters to consider when evaluating your schedule

    • Tehtävä icon
      Assignment 3 Hand-in: Your plans and group reflection Tehtävä

      Use the weekly plan or timeline or any similar tool to make your time management exercise. Instructions here. After this discuss with your home group about your experiences of making a weekly plan and following it. Then use some time to evaluate your plans: what was easy, what difficult, where you could improve. Instructions here. Submit the weekplans and the groups reflection here.

    • Extra: More tips on making schedules in the future

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kenttä Käyttäjätunnus sisältää (käytä: aalto.fi) on aalto.fi
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      Teaching session material Tiedosto PDF